“Killian drew out the pirate fleet by setting fire to some of the galleons moored off the coast not far from where the forest meets the sea. They came out, thinking the fleet was easy prey only to find the remaining ships were hidden behind the smoke plumes.”

Lilith considered the idea.

“The ship would have to be very close to the rocky outcrops here,” she pointed at the map and to one of the prospective landing points. “Won’t it look odd, one ship set ablaze?”

“That’s where you come in.”

“I knew you were going to say that…” The assassin sighed.

“Together we can create illusions, ships attacking ours and the Skar clan will flock to it like a duck to water.”

“You need to work on your metaphors.” She smirked. “I can’t fault the idea, though. We can position ourselves on the outcrops and in the caves at the foot of the cliffs between them and the northernmost part of the beach here.” She moved her finger to the stretch of coast called Spider’s Cove, trying to ignore the fact that it was marked with an inky sketch of an inexcusably large arachnid.

“Starr is going to meet us with as many Skein as he can muster to the cause. I will have to send word if that’s agreed?” He raised an eyebrow and waited for her consent.

Lilith nodded slowly.

“I’m not sure I can think of a better plan, though I’m a little confused. How do we know it’ll draw out all the Skar?”

“Starr told me once that the Innari have a hive mind, their thoughts are connected and in times of war they act like ants. A singular purpose can drive the whole nest to ruin.”

“Oh good. Compare something I loathe to something I fear.”

“You…are afraid of ants?”

“Well.” Lilith thought about it. “The ants in Akashima are a little bigger than your run of the mill red ants.” In Akashima, the ants were a minor oni, vicious and full of poison that could kill a man in seconds. “It doesn’t matter.”

Arden consigned the fact to memory for future use. He folded his arms across his chest and rocked on his heels, running the battle plan through his mind a final time. He tried to find a flaw but struggled to improve their odds with the resources they had. He looked around the captain’s quarters and resigned himself to not seeing comfort for quite some time.

“Okay. Let’s see what we can do to help on deck.” He gestured to the door and followed Lilith as she skulked out into daylight.