The room that they were now in was a massive circle, gargantuan in proportion. Along the outside wall were more and more doors like the ones they had entered through - double doors that had shuffling, dead-eyed zombies stumbling through and into the room. All of the zombies that came in were carrying loads of meat just like the one that they had already witnessed, while the others were carrying jugs filled with blood. There were a few zombies that had no burdens at all, but they were few and far between - and almost all of them were out the outside edge of the room, near the wall. The center of the room was the clear destination of all the zombies carrying meat - a steady set of streaming creatures shambled their way in from the various rooms, heading for ...for...

The thing in the middle of the room defied description. It looked like a massive, undulating pile of meat that had, at some point, rotted and been shoved into a chef's uniform. The thing was enormous, easily twenty feet tall, and it looked dozens of bodies had been shoved together, and their skin stripped away to reveal the raw, angry red flesh beneath. There were arms and legs sticking out of it at random intervals, but they were tiny in comparison to the disgusting monstrosity. The thing itself seemed to have no legs, instead relying upon the zombies to bring it sustenance. As they watched, horrified, a large, slimy tentacle burst from one side of the creature, and latched onto one of the platters of 'meat' that were being brought to it. The 'meat' was carried upwards, into a gaping hole that ripped open, and it vanished inside the cavernous black abyss that was the mouth of this thing. There was a moment of stillness - then a zombie carrying a jug, apparently empty, shoved it against one side of the abominable chef - just as a bloody blister formed and popped, sending a stream of thick, viscous blood down its side, and into the waiting mouth of the jug. The zombie then staggered away, carrying its repulsive burden back through a door and out of sight.

Before they could process this sight, they saw why the only zombies with nothing to carry were at the very outside edge of the room. One zombie tripped, and the platter it was carrying flew away from it. Before it could get back up and retrieve the platter, another of the meaty tentacles shot out and wrapped around the empty handed zombie, and dragged the entire undead thing into a new maw, dropping it in, still moaning and struggling. This time there was no blister of blood coming out - just a loud, disturbing crunching and cracking.

"What in the name of the Great Flow is that thing?!" Nevin's voice was shocked, stunned, and as quiet as he could make it as he stared at the abomination.