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    Senior Member

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    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin

    Ok so like, I found this bug...and it was sorta green but not green

    Ok so like, I found this bug...and it was sorta green but not green and normally I wouldn't be standing there looking at bugs but this bug. THIS BUG It was sitting on a slightly dusty window, fluttering about. I didn't see what was inside the store. It wasn't dried fish so obviously, it wasn't important. How did I know that if I wasn't looking inside the store you ask? That's easy as breathing. Because it WAS to do with breathing. Smelling to be specific. You see fish, specifically dried fish as a very pungent smell and the nose knows. This store didn't have that smell, this store smelt like...well it was hard to tell...possibly herbs? Maybe? I don't care, that's not important. The bug is.

    This bug. It was super important. It was so important that I had been staring at it for a long time now, so long in fact..that my legs hurt. You know that sort of hurt that you get that slowly travels up your thighs and if you shift your feet, ever so slightly they hurt too. Yeh. That.

    But this was ... this was...


    My amber eyes stared an unrelenting stare (otherwise how else would it be an efficient stare?) toward this bug. Pointed (and injured, goddammit Amari) azure ears and tail flicking slightly at the various sounds of passer-by. I could hear them muttering. Mad woman, they thought I was. Blue haired nutter, they said. Hah! If only they could see what I could see. Then they'd join me in this spectacle. (I guess I was part of the spectacle now, but I never intended to take the spotlight away from this curious little critter)

    So this bug, right.. it was I think a goldish green colour. Ok so I'm not stupid I know its green but in the light it sometimes shone gold I think they call it chromatic colours or something... anyway.. .it scuttled to and fro, always to and fro like a little half-waltz. I say half waltz because it was a two step move instead of three step.

    What was even more curious was...

    that this little bitty bug... did not have a soul.

    So interesting..
    Last edited by Eteri; 11-29-2017 at 03:15 AM.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

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