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  1. #1
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    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    "NO! See I show!"

    I clambered up onto the table. Intent on getting that last piece of tasty, juicy morsel. I tucked my legs underneath me as I reached out to him. Navi tried to back away, sliding his chair back but he was sitting down, and wasn't in the most opportune position to escape someone as masterful as myself. My hand touched his chest and I exhaled as I gently tugged, it came away easily enough. It was still his and still attached. I just wanted to show him.

    He looked like he didn't believe me, and I. Didn't. Lie. Be damned if this child-man-seven year old was going to doubt me, the great Eteri. Soul seamstress extraordinyar.

    My eyes widened as I looked down on it. It was...well it my sister would put it....completely fucked. It looked like someone grabbed two blankets and tried to stitch them together. <"Whoever did this...did a terrible job, and had no idea what they were doing..."> I muttered in Akashimian, <"This is terrible. This shouldn't be."> I looked up at him, <"I'm sorry this happened to you.">

    He stared blankly back. Oh...wait...was I talking in the wrong language again? Oops!

    "Eteri sorry." I said, pointing at the interwoven parts of his soul. "This not good."

    "Older soul stronger." I said as I pointed to the whitish green tinge of shimmering mass, then shifted to the parts where a lighter color shone through, it was like it had been placed over another soul, not woven intricately together but shoved haphazardly and carelessly on top. "Other one rip this one, try go get out. Not... not...." I furrowed my brow, trying to think of the right words. "Not harmony. Fighting."

    I gently went to poke one of the holes, I wasn't going to rip it. He didn't give me permission to do that. Granted... he didn't give me permission to rip it out of him either...but that did people no harm it was like show and tell. My fingers gently grazed the reddish sores on the soul, and I felt that same burning sensation in my chest. It was stronger now. It was... it was burning!

    I yelped and let go.

    Navi's soul drifted gently back into his body as my hands whipped to my chest. What was it that Madiddly said? That her soul, that Pode fragment could burn sometimes? Well...Pode was burning right now. "Ouch."
    Last edited by Eteri; 11-29-2017 at 03:56 AM.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

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