"I'd heard that he had rumors of an affair with one of them before, but I never expected to see one hear. He's been so reserved - oh Thayne, do you think he heard me?" Nevin felt one eyebrow twitch strongly as he pointedly ignored the gossiping women who were standing in front of a food stall. There was no way another rumor about him was starting, so obviously they were not talking about him - even if he was the only man on the street at this particular moment.

No, instead he focused on the corner ahead. Round that corner and he would be home free. He detested having to go out shopping for food but if he didn't want to spend all of his time hunting he had to sacrifice his personal privacy and head to the market from time to time. At least he had been able to get some freshly caught salmon today, and he was looking forward to dinner. And he was glad that his part time apprentice, Ezra, had finally beat a semblance of actual skill at cooking into him so he wasn't about to kill himself trying to cook.

Then he turned the corner and he paused, his face going blank as he suppressed the large sigh of exasperation that tried to slip from his lips. Standing in front of his shop was a blue haired feline female. If he was less observant it would have been easy to confuse her for Rainee - but aside from being blue haired cat women they weren't too similar. Thankfully. This new individual was staring intently into his shop, though he couldn't see what her attention was on.

She was also the center of a fair amount of attention herself - a short distance away, there was a small crowd forming. People came up and watched her for a bit as he walked forward, though they did have the grace to look ashamed when he turned his flat glare in their direction. He kept glaring at them until the crowd scattered, and hen he cleared his throat as he turned to look at the woman.

Is it a rule that cat women are cute? Bah. Hopefully no rumors start involving this poor girl. The redhead shifted his bag to his other hand as he fished his key from his pocket and unlocked the door. "If you are looking to buy something, I open in about an hour, Miss." He paused in the doorway to look at her with a raised eyebrow.