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  1. #4
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 4,617
    Level completed: 24%,
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    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    Someone talked and the bug went to fly away. The sound must have spooked the poor, little, soulless, dancing creature!

    <"W-What! NO! Gah W-Wait bug I need to inspect you!"> I cried out in my native tongue, Akashimian as I jumped up, hands clasping feebly in the air at the tiny critter as it flew away. I thought I had it, I clasped them around it and breathed a sigh of relief as I carefully opened my hands to see... well... nothing. was gone. When was I ever going to see it again? My eyes fell to the floor. That's it, hopes dashed, dreams ruined. Life over. My ears drooped and my tail fell lifelessly to the floor, my outward demeanor completely reflective of the utmost despair and inner turmoil I felt.

    "If you are looking to buy something, I open in about an hour, Miss."

    I rose my eyes and was met with... uhm wait one or two people? I what? HUH!?

    "What is?"

    Ok... so maybe this was more interesting than the bug.

    I took two quick steps toward him, peering closely into his darkly coloured eyes, I reached out and prodded the puffy skin underneath. Bags. He didn't sleep. Why was it that no one slept? Sleep was awesome. Naps were amazing too... actually if I wasn't so busy, I'd go for a nap right now. There was also something else, a slight tingling sensation. It was ever so slight, that I am not sure why I am mentioning it... I'm going to ignore it now.

    "Mmm..." With no regard to any form of personal space (What was that anyway? did people buy space?) I again, jabbed a pointed finger toward him. This time to his collarbone, where strange lines appeared on his skin.

    "Feel like one person." I muttered... "One ...but two?" I quirked my head to the side. "You got smooshed? Did rock fall and make two people one? did- wait!"



    Just wait a gosh darn MINUTE!

    My nose wrinkled.

    "FEESH!!" I cried out as I made a grab for his bag. Sadly, he was too swift and pulled it away from me. Apparently it was not for me. I shifted my gaze up to him. "Me Eteri. You two soul man. We friend now. Lets have deener. Share Feesh. Yes? Yes!"

    And that my dear thoughts, is how you get a free meal.

    Last edited by Eteri; 11-29-2017 at 03:36 AM.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

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