Nevin heard the girl muttering, up close, and his spine went ramrod straight as shock raced through him. That - no, there was no way someone else could see souls, right? That was a unique thing that - no, she absolutely had to be able to see souls, or feel them, to know that he was -

The redhead had to literally force himself to breathe, a sharp gasp preceding his lungs working in some approximation of correct order, and he coughed twice. One hand came up to rub the spot she had jabbed as he stared at her in shocked thought, trying to figure out just what she was thinking. Then her nose crinkled up and her eyes flicked down to the bag in his hand -

And he jerked it out of the way of her grasping hands, looking upwards to avoid seeing the cute little xpression of disappointment on her face. It had to be some kind of racial trait, it just had to be. He pursed his lips as she begged/demanded some dinner, and for a moment he felt an intense urge to run inside, slam the door shut, and hide from yet another person who saw the darkest secret he tried to hide.

Instead he sighed and pushed his door open further with his foot, revealing the tidy interior of the Alchemy shop, shelves with locker cabinets lining the walls.

"My name is Nevin, not two-soul man. And I suppose I can share some fish with you, yes." No, he did not have a weakness for cute things, what on Althanas are you talking about?