It was rather interesting to watch Eteri slice up her fish and pick small portions out with her long, sharp fingers. Nevin drummed his fingers in the table as she declined a drink - well, at least she wouldn't get any kind of sugar rush off of just fish with some simple seasonings. He heard the carrots crackle and turned his attention back to them, and began scooping the fried slices out of the pan and onto the platter next to the salmon fillet.

So his attention was rather focused when delicate fingers began reaching up the counter, searching for - he would guess, the second cut of fish. With a twist of his lips, he debated smacking the girl's hand with his serving fork. He decided against it though - and instead smiled a bit maliciously and scooted some of the fried carrots just in front of her hand. The rest, and the fillet, were placed onto another plate, which he lifted up so she couldn't see what was on it.

Long legs carried him to the table, and he sat down to eat. He shielded his plate from her gaze and began crunching loudly on the fried carrots, keeping one ear trained on her for her reaction. But his main focus of attention was actually on the question of this girl.

She saw his mangled soul, enough to know that it was two people. Not even Stare had managed that - she had known his soul was damaged, but until he told the Kenku woman she hadn't known just what had happened. This blue haired feline female had seen that much and more-or-less, she had known? Had someone told her? Was that even possible - had Stare sent this girl to him for some reason? He doubted that, his friend tended to be more direct.

There was also the issue of his magic's reaction to her. He had been... intimate, since he became what he was now, but despite that, never had his magic reacted to someone being close to him. No, this was more like what happened in Lindequalme, the singing at that moment had been more like what he had heard when they had stopped - strange. He turned and looked at Eteri over one shoulder. She wasn't connected to the cultists or to blood magic, is she was he would have been having more concrete reactions in his magic. This was something else - but, what? And did she know?