Something was very, very wrong with the girl. Nevin watched, pushing his chair back as Eteri literally locked her gaze onto his chest and slowly crawled onto the table. Her eyes had seemed to lose focus as she stared at him. Nevin watched as she crawled on all fours across the table, and if it wasn't for the feelings of alarm and confusion that were coursing through him, he might have thought that the sway of her body was almost alluring as her tail swished back and forth behind her. But there was something clearly not right here, and that overrrode any other errant thoughts he might have had.

Then she reached out one hand, slowly, towards his chest, and Nevin thought that she was literally going to try grabbing his soul again after he had literally just warned her against it. But she didn't - instead her hand twitched, like she was fighting something, and her arm began to tremble - then she lowered it. Her breath was coming in short gasps as she began to sweat, her entire body shaking - and Nevin realized with a start that it looked like she was suffering a sudden, intense fever.
She crawled forward and pressed her forehead against his, her unfocused eyes staring into his.

Slowly, Nevin's sight blocked by those entrancing yellow eyes, he missed her arm reaching up towards his chest. His threads, did not. A score of thin red strands shot out from beneath Nevin's skin, some poking the hand that was reaching for him,
others coiling together into thicker weaves of threads and shoving the hand away. The spell cast on him by her eyes - no magic required here - broken, Nevin fell from his chair, shaking his head sharply. Without a word, he tore a strip from his shirt and wrapped up her bloody hand, then strode out into the main portion of his shop, and busied himself out there, looking for an anti-fever medicine. Anything, not to get lost in those eyes again. That was dangerous.