She was on her feet again it seemed, though she did look very unsteady to Nevin's eyes as she leaned against the doorframe for support. The Alchemist took in a deep breath and exhaled - she was still sweaty, her hair clinging to her head as she stared at him. Nevin frowned and picked up one of the medicines on the shelf he was in front of - it was a mint based potion meant to cool the imbiber down. He turned and strode over to her - and saw that the bandage on her hand had come loose when she was in the back room. With a sigh, he found a wrap of gauze and gently rewrapped her hand, and pressed the potion into her other hand.

"You - well. You came forward, trying to handle my soul again. You seemed a bit feverish though, so I don't hold it against you. Drink that, it should help with the temperature." He was not going to address the way his magic was coiling in his gut.
He had realized by now that it wasn't all of his magic, but a thin, slender current of it that was pressing him to be as close to her as possible, and with that knowledge he was suppressing it. The man didn't know where this urge came from - he had never met her before in his life, and he certainly had no fascination with Rainee that would be pressing him to be close to another feline female.

No, this was something else, something unknown at the moment. So he shrugged and looked past her - to see that his fish was gone from the table. Well. Annoying, but at least it seemed like his skills in cooking had become something he didn't need to be utterly ashamed of. Perhaps simple was best? And again - she had his name wrong. He wasn't sure if this one was closer, or further, from accurate.

At least he knew that she had come forward, sashaying towards him because she wasn't feeling well, not anything else. That was a relief. He didn't know if he could handle those yellow eyes locked onto him for real.