The blue haired girl almost collapsed into one of the other chairs, wrapping her arms around her stomach as she swayed back and forth slightly. She still seemed sick, and Nevin hoped that she wasn't having an allergic reaction - no, she was skilled with souls and she knew that this was tied to the soul inside of her. Her head rolled to the side slightly, yellow eye cracking open to peer at him, and Nevin was still processing what had happened when she asked that.

He shook his head, violently. From what he had, ah, learned, and what he remembered from his initial life, questions like that had to be answered no matter what. And while the teeth in his lip had been unpleasant, the pleasures of that few moments outweighed the sting of pain. He lifted one hand up and brought his fingers away, raising an eyebrow at the sight of fresh blood dotting his fingertips.

"I - I would admit that despite the pain that was an extremely pleasant situation. However. I'd rather not have it happen when you aren't feeling well. It feels a bit... Unsavory, like I was taking advantage of you." He shook his head and focused his magic for a moment the blood on his fingers and lips swirling off of his body and into a thin, hard disk that he set on the table by his elbow. He coughed, and smiled at her.

" And you are welcome to stay here and recover as long as you need to." Inwardly, the man was doing his best to up press the shivers that wee running along his frame. Both from the deep kiss - and he one knew she had been starting to reciprocate despite neither of them intending to kiss there - and the almost hungry screaming of that strange magic remnants that demanded he go back and grab onto her again. That was not happening though.