The moment science was brought up, Felicity felt herself perk up. Felicity had never been given any lessons outside basic reading, writing, and math growing up. Her studies of herbs and potions, alongside any form of survival or science, was only after she hit the road with her former teacher when she was fourteen.
Felicity thought back to the times she experimented; as well as those funny moments at home. She scoffed, rolling her eyes, "I live with two alchemists, an ice mage, a no chill, emotion dead teenager, an accident prone housewife, and a toddler capable of controlling ice and fire." A more serious state returned to her as she continued, "I've been in Fallien, Eiskalt, the Citadel... Temperature and circumstance does nothing. I've literally been completely numb or on fire and the effects are always the same. I bleed, my abilities switch on."
Once again, the lab research entered her mind. "In the lab we took blood and DNA samples. Unfortunately, I'm part neanderthal so there's no likewise DNA to compare my structure to - and us Eiskaltian branches have an affinity for magic."
She took one of the offered honeysticks and opened it, "What we did find out is that when the ability is on, my TRPV1 is completely muted, which is why I never feel pain when it's activated. We also know there's lot's of foreign chemicals in my body just sitting there, and that comes out as this 'cloak' around my body when I'm hit enough. It outwardly behaves like fire, except it isn't. We're sure the only reason it doesn't affect me negatively is that magic affinity I apparently have. But if what you said about my entire being changing after the serum is true, I could also just have an immunity period."
She took a swig of the honey as she dug into a jacket pocket. As she slurped that delicious sweet substance, she pulled out a paper and tossed it onto the counter. The picture of small orbs orbiting a larger one was seen. They were labelled with the names of a foreign, explosive compound. Yet, the image showed this single compound split into two.
This substance splits apart only when "Beserk Rage" is turned on. It translates into raw energy, building up inside her, first as raw physical strength. After the rapidly split atoms seem to be energized enough, by the increased damage and bleeding, the Cloak becomes active. The Cloak is extra built up energy exploding. The burning effect is unaffective to Miss Rhyolite herself, surprisingly and thankfully. This is going strictly over physical results, as her emotional and mental deteriorations are still unexplained.
Felicity rested her forehead against her hand, "It's all a huge mess, I know..."
"... Hey, this honey is incredible."