Nevin very slowly retracted his thread, watching the way Eteri's eyes tracked it. When she had started crawling forward, and leaning forward with her mouth open, he had actually been frozen still by the rather brilliant blush that had shot through his body.
Suffice to say at that point the blood mage's blood flow had not been operating as intended.

However, the girl suddenly sat back on her heels - still between his legs - declaring she had just wanted a taste, and that had done a fair job of dumping ice water... On Nevin's head. So now he was trying to think of what to say, as she looked down and away, staring at her hands that she had shoved into her lap. She was definitely closer to her animal nature than Rainee had been - no, that was not fair to Eteri. In truth, he barely knew the other cat girl, and one of their two meetings had been while she was drugged up on catnip.

He swore to himself to never, ever, let Eteri find the catnip he had in the store. Nevin thought he might not survive that situation entirely intact - or with his chastity intact. With that thought in mind he coughed into his hand before reaching up with the other one to rub the top of Eteri's head gently.

"A little, but that happens. I think perhaps we should see about getting you some food though - I don't think you'd be happy with yourself if you started nibbling on me." Whether he would enjoy the nibbling or not was an entirely different matter and not one he was found to think about at the moment. No, not while she was sitting between his legs.