I wasn't exactly hungry. So I wasn't entirely sure why I wanted to... or had the urge to eat those things. I furrowed my brows, pouting. "No.. Eteri no eat Nevin!" I mumbled. Feeling ashamed I had been so tempted to do so mere moments before. Just what had come over me? "Was that feels!" I said as I pressed a hand to the mid of my chest. "Feels inside tell Eteri to but Eteri no want."

I bet he wouldn't even taste that good. I lifted my head and offered him a wry grin as he toussled my hair, his fingers entangled in my blue trestles. That always felt nice. He was trying to comfort me. So I guess I shouldn't have anything to feel bad about then...right?

"Eteri no think you'd taste good." I said. "I prove." I said again.

"You what now?" Nevin asked, slightly alarmed.

"Is ok...." I muttered as I stalked closer. His breath stilled as I drew closer, crawling on hands and knees. I placed one hand on his upper leg to lift myself up because he was tall. Very tall. Too tall. (Why though? I think this man was the tallest I have ever seen in Althanas...ever!) I leaned forward and went for the nearestest, closest part of skin.

The crook of his neck, namely, the space between his shoulder and neck.

nibble nibble

He tasted....a little salty? there was no real way to tell what he'd really taste like without biting down hard and I promised him I wouldn't. Instead I drew away.

"Bleh.. like salty...not nice salty...strange salty.." I muttered as I scratched the taste off my tongue.

"No need eat Nevin." I grinned as I gave him a reassuring pat on the head. "Is safe from that! Pinky promise!"