(To be clear, Gnarl is not a citadel fighting character, nor will he ever be. I declare officially in this statement, that Gnarloc is an adventuring character only. Please can you note that familiars are also for story purposes only.)


Name: Gnarloc
Nickname/Alias: Gnarl
Age: 27
Race: Human
Height: 6'0
Weight: 158
Key features of Gnarl's personality -
Genuine: Gnarl is a kind hearted soul. He does what he believes is right and stands by those who need it. Gnarl will always do the right thing. He is a kind loving individual.
Loyal: Gnarl has an unbreakable loyalty, he'll always stand by his friends and those he loves. Regardless of the situation.
Foreign attraction: Gnarl has a liking for beautiful women, especially those who are different from the norm.
Strong willed: Gnarl doesn't give up easily. Be it a physical task or emotional one.
Female biased: While not a womaniser. Gnarl can be swayed by a woman significantly easier than he should be, he cannot hide his soft spot for a lady. Additionally, Gnarl will always protect a woman first. Touch his heart, and he's yours forever.
Truth Teller: Gnarl hates lies and the liars that tell them. He tells the truth, and would never lie. He is honest to a fault.

Appearance & Clothing
Eyes: Kind and attractive, a light calming sky blue.
Hair: Short smooth hair, a light dirty brown.
Stature: Slim and toned, athletic looking, average height at 6ft, and a good weight.
Armour Type: Hardened Leather
Attire: Gnarl wears a dusty white short sleeved shirt, while layered on top is a dark brown leather sleeveless top. This is studded with metal tips and tied tight with lace at the front. He wears a special thick black leather belt that has several holsters for smaller items, such as drinks pouches and even axes to hang limp.
Gnarl has lighter pants, still a soft leather, these are sown up with various patches that form a smart pattern over the knees, remaining durable but looser for movement and comfort. Gnarl also wears thick durable boots to cope with the changing weather and protect his feet.

Quick List -
Survival Skills
Advanced Combat Skills

Skill Details

Survival Skills
Gnarl has lived in the wild, he knows how to hunt, he knows how to make fire and find water. His ability to survive alone is one that is perfectly capable. Gnarl also has the ability to treat basic injuries, though it far from a medical expert.

Advanced Combat Skills
Gnarl has well above average weapon skills, while not particularly visually spectacular, Gnarl can hold his own in battle, averse with both axe and sword combat, he can duel in close quarters and is additionally rather accurate when throwing his axe.

Equipment & Weapons
Quick List
Steel Buckler Shield
Iron Hand Axe
Money Pouch
Water Container

Equipment & Weapon Details

Buckler shield
The small buckler is strong and sturdy for battle, with two links that wrap around his chosen arm. While smaller than the average shield, its compact size ensures it is more durable and lighter than its larger more protective counterparts. Capable of deflecting combat weapons or projectiles, the buckler can also become a vicious weapon, its steel rim and spiked exterior make it a dangerous object to be struck with, although it is restricted to Gnarls arm length.

Hand Axe
The small Iron hand axe is again built for durability, lacking in length and beauty, the hand axe is a small but thick pole with a sharp single blade strapped onto to. The handle of the axe also remains just a padded grip made from the small straps that lash the blade to the tip of the stick. Yet it's small size has an advantage of being thrown, something its larger heavier versions are in capable of.
If the axe pole is broken, the axe head and strapping is easily transferable to another carved pole.

Pouch & Container
The small pouch and container that sits on his belt used only for water, currency and other minor items.


Stoney is the fist sized stone that Gnarl talks to. Stoney is a link to the gods and informs, helps and updates Gnarl on everything around him.

Stoney Abilities:

Inner Truths
Stoney can help Gnarl see and understand the true intentions of those around him. Stoney can detect a person's inner truth, and while falling short of being able to know someone's exact intentions or motives. Stoney can warn Gnarl when decent is afoot.

Directional Sense
Stoney knows where he is, and knows where he wants to go. In this sense Gnarl can always find his way when lost or disillusioned by whatever's around him. This can also help Gnarl find lost items.

Stoney is still a mystery with secrets to tell and abilities to be discovered, but only time can discover and unlock what Stoney's true purpose is.
Root is a ordinary small grey and black cat that merges well with his surroundings. His appearances can often be sporadic and random, but he has befriended Gnarl and persists in following him around. His true motives, besides friendship, are unknown.


[U]Beginnings to Althanas[/I]
Gnarl struggles to remember his history, the past is a painful and difficult memory. Believing he could hear and speaks to the god above, he has always found it complicated to make friends, but his local group of misfits which became his friends were his loyal band, while he was never a leader, he was a trusted member of his friendship.
The poor nation of his birth has always led to fierce competition for food in times of drought, if Gnarl and his friends were to die, it was up to the gods, and they fought furiously to keep their lives, their ambitions alive. Yet it was not to be, and they were slaughtered, the few survivors ran before plotting their vengeance against the much larger more powerful clan that had destroyed their own.
Their attempt at assassination was a success, but at the loss of his friends Gnarl would be only one of three survivors. Yet the Lord and Earl of the clan was no more, they had accomplished their mission. Yet again nothing was a simple as what they could accomplish with their own hands, and the Earl answered to a higher King who would not allow such blasphemy as to murder his appointed Earl.
Farnheiser a name they had all heard before, a powerful fearful king that had slowly spread his influence across the lands of their country. Now he had them, in chains and locked away, Gnarl would never see his friends again. Gnarl would spend months alone in a cell, no one to talk to, no one to interact with, but fed and watered like a plant to keep decor more than just stone.
This prison was no ordinary prison, at night he could hear walls move, the window would always be in another corner of the room when he awoke in the morning, and a small grey and black marked cat would appear. Root; he would to know the cat, was no ordinary cat. He could talk, and seemed strangely fixated on the death of those around him.
Root claimed to know of Gnarls escape from this place, and he would see him again, stood on fresh grass and once again able to be free. Root though would have to leave, the moving window did not allow for him to just keep returning and leaving, this was a single but important visit.
Gnarl would await and wish for his escape to come someday soon, and would find comfort in talking to the gods through a small stone which he believes speaks back to him. Indeed it was true, he would escape, he would be free, and he could start his life again; what would he have to do? Listen and obey the gods, for their will and desire will take him on a new journey.
Then, as if magic the door to his cell opened -