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  1. #1
    Senior Member

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    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    He liked it! At least I think so.. He did have tears coming out of his eyes. Crying... wasn't crying normally a bad thing? I cannot recall a time anyone ever cried and was happy. Oh the shits! Maybe he didn't like it. I panicked and squirmed in his arms, twisting my body round so I could get a better look at his face. "Why liquid?" I asked as I watched him wipe them away. He blinked and squeezed my hand tighter.

    "Eteri... This is...why did you almost kill yourself for this?"

    Now I was even more confused...ugh...I felt too sick to try and comprehend what all this meant. What was he talking about? Weaving his soul like that didn't kill me. It didn't hurt, I mean sure.. I stayed up pretty late a few times but that's nothing compared to him Mr. I-sneak-off-when-I-Think-Eteri-Is-Sleeping-To-Do-Alchemist-Work. Granted the flowers nearly did kill me but- that was just an unfortunate accident. Bad coincidences. All I wanted was to get him some nice flowers as a sort of trick surprise so he'd be even more surprised at the real that I thought about it... my plan didn't make a lot of sense. I groaned as I lifted my hand to my head. Ouch. That's hot.

    "Doing Eteri nice all time." I said as I lifted my arm from my head and took the vial from his hands and with a great, great, great deal of effort opened it... My hands Still shook. They, along with the rest of my body still had the shaky-shakes. I think I was dealing with things surprisingly well... a little too well...but I wasn't in the right frame of mind to question it.

    "Sister say Eteri always selfish. Is true. JUST one time want to show can not be." With my other shaking hand I tugged at his chest and the worn part of his soul come loose. I wove the fixed part back in before letting go, my hands feeling like they were tied to something really really heavy. Like a crate of fish.


    Actually took a lot out of me...I jolted and bit back the urge to throw up again. Ops...nope... here it came... I rolled over and threw up over the side of Nevin's bed. Feeling guilty and horrid. There was nothing but bile left in my stomach and it left a bitter burning in the back of my throat. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "Urgh...."

    Turning back to him I continued with stuttered speech and shallow breaths. "I-if not like I keep. Is pretty s-s-so I keep."
    Last edited by Eteri; 12-02-2017 at 02:49 AM.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

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