Why was she here? Oh gosh... why? Why?

"Ayaka..." I said, my voice small. "Why is here?" I muttered.

She rose her neatly trimmed eyebrows at me. "What? Why am I here? Why are you? Why are those bitches out there in the street talkin' about you like you're some cheap ass prostitute?" Ayaka took two steps toward me and I took two steps back. Ayaka sighed, annoyed. She pressed her fingers to her temples. "Goddammit Eteri. What shit did you get yourself into this time. Do you want me to claw out their eyes? I'll fuckin' do it?"

Why was she so violent? I shook my head vehemently. It was hard enough dealing with Nevin right now... I didn't need to deal with being blamed for grievous bodily harm. "Eteri find safe space."

<"Just talk to me like this, you sound like a fuckin' idiot. Haven't you grasped Tradespeak yet?">

I winced. <"N-no... it's hard. There are so many different phrases and terminology and- Ayaka why are you here? Is it because Nevin is an Alchemist?">

My sister glanced over at Nevin then back to me, then back to Nevin. I could see her brain piecing bits of information together and that quite honestly mortified me. I went to inch closer to Nevin but halted when he caught my eye. Instead, I shifted back and away. If I moved slowly...really...really...slowly..maybe no one would notice if I made my way to the door.


Awww crap. My sister noticed. Her voice wasn't harsh though, this time it held a note of concern.

<"Eteri, I need you to pull your soul out."> She glanced over at Nevin, gave a curt nod and switched to Tradespeak. "You seem competent enough to handle this. Considering whats inside of you."