"Dirty assed sou-" By the love of the Great Flow. This had to be Eteri's sister, the one that she said was better than her in every possible way. Honestly, he couldn't see it. Nevin moved in front of the door, then very deliberately looked to Eteri, who did not look happy at this development. Nevin resisted the urge to snap his fingers in realization. It wasn't hero worship - it was having the stuff beaten into her head day in and day out.

Another glance to the window and he saw Eteri nodding rapidly, her frame shaking as she tried to hide behind his curtains. He slowly turned his head to look at the entirely too rude sister. "You can come in - because she wants you to." Nevin unlocked the door and stepped inside, moving to hold the door open for Ayaka - only to be shoved aside as the brown-haired woman stormed inside. She was looking around with a haughty, disdainful expression as Nevin closed and locked the door behind them.

If she calls me a third rate alchemist she's going back out on the street. Dealing with that once had been enough, thank you very much. He folded his arms over his chest and stared steadily at her.

"You're in. What was so vitally crucial that it could not wait?" His tone was flat as he watched Ayaka. In the corner, Eteri was trembling fiercely, and his opinion of Ayaka was getting ready to plummet. Ruling someone through fear was disgusting.