Ayaka ignored the spiteful look the man gave her and turned to Eteri. She was cautious of him, but her sister seemed to like him. For whatever reason. So Ayaka decided she'd explain everything as she went along, composition through monologue or some shit. How had Eteri not seen this? She was a master soul seamstress and yet something so inherently obvious she was blind to. "You took half of that kid, Ven was it? His soul into you. That was a few months ago. Haven't you looked at yourself in a mirror?"

She huffed, "Yes! I no see own good. You know!"

"Right...right..." Ayaka murmured. No, she had forgotten that her bratty sister wasn't able to clearly see the shit inside of her. The scary, dangerous demi-god festering piece of shit inside of her. Ayaka waited as Eteri fumbled around before finally tugging at the flimsy piece of soul inside of her. Her eyes widened at the realisation.

The red miasma of whatever demonic thing had planted itself in her was infecting the part of Ven's soul that she had tried to attach to herself. Ayaka was aware of Nevin's presence but was ignoring him for the time being. There were far more pressing matters at hand. "Cut it off."


Ayaka crossed her arms in front of her. "You heard me. If he's your friend you'd cut off the clean parts of that before it all goes to hell." She added under her breath. "Like some others..."

Eteri seemed hesitant but did as she was told, once the parts were safely stored away Eteri tried to slink away again. "Good. Go do...something the adults are talking." Ayaka muttered.

<"I'm an adult!"> Eteri shot back. <"I'm an adult I have feelings and I have- I have...emotions and I am sick of you treating me like I'm nothing.">

Ayaka straightened and the imposing sight had Eteri shrink further back away from the shop, tail between her legs and ears flat against your head. Ayaka spoke in tradespeak, purely so the Alchemist didn't think she was saying anything too bad. "I'm treating you with a grain of salt. You're like chaos manifested in physical form. You're a danger to peopel around you, and I don't give two shits about that, but you're a danger to yourself, and unfortunately I do care about that. Even if you DO piss me off. Now can you let me talk to?"


"Talk to Nevin alone."

Eteri stood in the doorway, reluctant to move.

"I'm not going to hurt him, that'd be bad for business."

Eteri nodded and finally turned and left. Ayaka waited till she could no longer hear Eteri's footsteps. There was the faint click of a door shutting somewhere and Ayaka could safely assume her younger sister was out of earshot.

No longer talking to Eteri, Ayaka's voice once again held its harsh bite to it. "Now, I honestly came here just to fuckin talk shop with another alchemist. Instead, I find my little sister moping about his shop. Not only that, but I see a very messed up soul, and a very pristine - masterfully piece of it stitched back up. Now Ain't that a peach?" Ayaka sashayed over to the counter and lifted herself onto it, crossed her legs then her arms and stared down Nevin.

"What do you know about my sister, and why is she shuffling around you like a fuckin' lost pup?"