Nevin was slowly processing what he had seen. He couldn't speak whatever tongue the two of them were speaking in, but Eteri had definitely seemed upset - until she pulled out the soul inside of her. When she did that, his eyes had gone wide, then narrowed as he remembered something he had been told once, by Stare, the first person who saw his soul. Red, like oozing sores.

That red thing had been inside of her? That was - how much influence had that had on her? Was that thing - Nevin's spine stiffened when he saw thin tentacles ooze forth from the soul, waving in his direction before Eteri shoved it into vials, not seeming to notice the outstretched parts. Nausea swept over him. He should have pressed her harder about the tentacles when that had happened. Those had been inside of her for who knows how long, and he had had a chance to stop it, had caught it happening, and not known enough to realize the danger it presented. He cursed himself - and then Eteri fled, leaving him alone with her sister.

He took a deep breath and focused his gaze on the woman sitting on his counter. She clearly had a far better grasp on tradespeak than her sister did, there was no sign of the hesitation or miscommunications that Eteri suffered from. He leaned to one side slightly, staring at her. For a moment his eyes had flickered red as he studied the bond between the two. Fear, and love, flowed from Eteri towards her sister, while Ayaka seemed concerned and furious - but for her. Damn. Family was confusing, wasn't it?

"I know your sister loves you." That was the first thing he said as he stared at the new cat-girl in his.. life? "She loves you, but doesn't feel like she can compare to you. And she respects you a lot." His hand came up and pressed against his chest, where Eteri had grabbed to pull out his soul to reunite the part she'd mended. "The healed part is because she wanted to show that she could do something for someone else, not just for herself. I didn't ask her to do it, but she did anyway. Made it a surprise for me. A surprise she nearly died trying to do - not because of my soul, but because she apparently wanted to give me flowers as part of the gift. And she ate some. They were.. tiger lilies." His voice took on a bit of a choked edge as he looked in the direction that she had gone. A blue ear was twitching, just in the line of sight from the doorway. "She called for you while she was sick and recovering." Dark eyes flicked back to Ayaka.

"I saved her. It took effort, but she should be recovered now. As for why she's stalking me like this - that, you might know better than I do. She's been doing it for the last three or four days, and won't talk to me. If I walk into a room, she either hides in a corner, or goes outside of it - but stares at me from the doorway or from a window. Once, she was in the rafters and stayed up there for half a day, moving where she could see me if I changed rooms. If I go out, she stalks me, and throws things at me sometimes. And as for those bitches that were spreading false rumors - they were using her poor grasp of Tradespeak against her. Saying she slept with me, and she agreed, because she has literally slept here. That should be dealt with now though, or I am going to poison each and every one of them and drive them into insanity before ending them." His voice was very hard as he spoke, then he shook his head.