At Ayaka's last sentence I burst back into the room. I wasn't exactly listening to the conversation...I didn't understand about 90% of it but I did hear that last line. I scrambled as I tripped over only to right myself back up. <"No! don't you dare take me away! I like it here!">

Ayaka grabbed my shoulder and gave me a dark glare. <"Woman, you are three days out of of your cycle, do you really think he's gong to deal with that."> Ayaka gestured over to the man. <"You can't even say the word sex without him getting all funny about it like some 6 year old brat. Hell, he may even be a fuckin' virgin.">

I was fuming, why was she getting involved? Why would she want to bother? I huffed as I folded my arms, turning away from her. <"We kissed, just so you know and it wasn't very virgin-like. He promised he'd stick around and I don't see why he wouldn't.">

Ayakas grip on my shoulder tightened and she leaned in closer. Me, being the obstinate person I am tried my best to avert my gaze but I could feel her eyes on me. Oh man...they were judging me. This wasn't good. This was.. ah poop I gotta look at her. I carefully shifted my gaze back to her. <"Eteri...."> She began, ahh! Why did she have to use such a condescending tone. I looked over at her, lips pressed into a thin pout. "<You should be focusing on getting that thing outside of you. Not on some flippant romance. What, first it was that Ven character - now this guy? Who was before Ven? Whatever happened to Draven? Or Derick? Or Elly? Were they all like Nevin too? Or were you just attaching yourself to the first person to show you food and a warm place to sleep?">

I felt an anger boil up inside of me... I had been angry before but this was different. This felt right. I grit my teeth and pushed my sisters hands off my shoulder before shoving her to the ground..hard I stood over her practically spitting. It burned inside me and this..this felt good. It felt right. <"YOU have no control over me anymore. YOU keep your fuckin' dainty hands out of my fucking life or I will RIP them off!"> Yes...ripping them off...that sounded good.

Ayaka stared up at me, her eyes wide in..fear? Yes. It was fear. Good. GOOD she should fear me. Everyone should. This felt great. I took another step forward raising an arm to swipe at her, but before I could.... I felt a strong grip around my wrist.



I blinked and turned to see Nevin whose dark eyes were laced with concern. "Eteri, stop." And just like that. I did. I lowered my hand and shuffled a few steps away. I didn't look at my sister as she picked herself up off the floor and dusted herself off.

"That is what I was talking about." Ayaka said, her voice strained. "I can barely deal with Eteri's shit as it is. Your shop reopens at 9 right? I'll return then to talk shop, and for god fuckin sakes Eteri. Get your blue haired face outta here when I do."

I refused to look at her, even as she lightly padded away from the scene and I heard the chimes of the door as it opened then closed. Nevin and I...we were alone again. I wrung the button of Nevin's oversized shirt I was wearing in my hands. Ah.. alone. Yes. I just had to...

One step back..

Two steps back....