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Thread: Antique Hunt

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  1. #1
    Senior Member

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    Venex Apara's Avatar



    Antique Hunt

    It has been a few days since Ven came Radasanth, a few days since he came into contact with the enigma know as Eteri. It's been a few days since they had their little adventure together, and a few days which felt like a lifetime ago.

    After the catnip wore off and Eteri managed to get even more money out of him, the pair eventually parted ways. Since then, he hasn't seen hide or tail of her. Understandable for it was a big city, but he couldn’t help keep an eye out fo his blue friend.

    However, Ven wasn't one to stay in one area forever. It was in his blood to seek out excitement, and his itch for it was comming back. He had to find something, anything, to alleviate his desire.

    He needed action, adventure, the feel of adrenaline pumping through his vein! He needed...


    That old bastard always had something to do if one was willing to risk their neck. For you see, Archie was a dealer in antiques. Specifically, of exotic and dangerous antiques. His store was just a beautiful front for his dealings, for his operation was hiding in plain sight. A antique shop running an illegal antique business in the background? Absolutely brilliant!

    Plus, the trip would not be wasted on the off chance there was no job available. After all, he did need to have a few words with him anyway.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member

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    Venex Apara's Avatar


    Ironically and most fortunately, despite being located in a relatively busy part of the city, Archie’s shop received next to no customers. Or rather, next to no customers who came in that weren’t involved in his dealing came in. Ven swore that there must be some sort of magic that kept the average person away because it’s uncanny how few people wander in. Ven wasn’t complaining though. That just made the shop all the more interesting.

    Entering and to no surprise, Ven was the only person in the store. Archie was nowhere to be seen, presumably in the back room. Alone was good. Alone meant he could go straight to business, get straight into adventure.

    “Hey Archie you old fart, where are?” Ven called out.

    A few moments later, Archie hobbled out from the back, cane in hand and looking both amused and annoyed. “Ven? I didn’t expect you back for longer my boy. I figured ya’ would be off with your lady friend doing… Well whatever you do.”

    Ven smiled mischievously at that. “Why thanks for bringing that up. Eteri, that’s her name by the way, was great to hang out with. All but one thing was good about the day.”

    Archie’s eyes twinkled at that. “Oh?”

    Ven then walked up to him, leaning is as if to tell a secret, then lightly socked Archie in the arm. Archie flinched amd took a step back, looking pissed and confused. “What the hell Ven?”

    Ven glared at Archie. “You drugged my friend! When I asked for your help, I didn’t expect your answer would be drugs!”

    “Ahh, but it wasn’t a drug. It was catnip. Besides, you got to admit it was kind of funny.”

    At that, Ven dropped his glare and gave a soft smile. “Yeah, it was a tiny but funny.”

    Archie then gave a hearty laugh. When he died down, he smiled at Ven. “Well it is good to see you again. Anything I can help you with?”

    Ven nodded, then went to the door and locked it. When he turned around, Archie’s face was serious. “Ahh, I see. Shall we take this downstairs?”

    Ven nodded. “Let’s.”

    Ven then followed Archie to the backroom silently. The back room was nothing special, just a desk, a small bed, and a bookshelf. All light that came in came from the doorway as there were no windows in the room. Archie then pulled on a book, and a soft click was heard. Archie was then able to pull the bookshelf open like a door as it was attached it a hinge. Behind it was a set of stairs descending into the basement. Archie gestured towards them, and Ven went down, Archie following after whilst closing the entrance behind them. As soon as he did so, a lantern lit up, creating light. Items of all sorts were in this room, most of which were probably illegal or dangerous. Usually both.

    Archie lead Ven to a table, and they both went to sit. Once comfortable, Archie spoke. “So, what can I really help you with?”

    Ven smiled. “I’m glad you asked. You see, I’ve gotten bored.”

    The older man then nodded, grinning. “Ahh yes, the Ven boredom. That’s one thing I can always count on. Well if you want excitement, I can provide.”

    “Excellent. What do you need and where can I find it?”
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  3. #3
    Senior Member

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    Venex Apara's Avatar


    “Well, lucky for you I do have a potential job. My sources tell me that there a supposedly cursed dagger has just been smuggled into the city. What this could be I have no idea. Details about it have been very hard to come by. The one thing that I do know is that is is valuable. Gold inlays, ornamental, gem encrusted, the whole deal,” Archie explained.

    This peaked Ven’s interest. “Sounds fancy. Any idea where it is located?”

    Archie nodded. “Yes. It will supposedly be located at an old warehouse by the docks. Used to belong to the Silver Scales fishing company a good twenty years back before they went out of business. Between ten and midnight will be your window.”

    “Very specific. Do you know just about everything?”

    Archie laughed. “Not quite. I’m only human after all.”

    “So just most things?” Ven shot back playfully.

    “More or less.”


    “Now now, you know I can revale that. Trade secret.”

    “Darn,” Ven said while mock pouting. He then quickly shifted back to grinning. “So, fancy dagger located in the docks. Piece of cake. I’ll see you later pops!”

    “Yeah yeah, you know the way out.”

    Ven responded with a thumbs up before heading away. Just before he exited the basement, Archie called out after him. “Hey Ven?”

    Ven turned around. “Yeah?”

    Archie paused for a few seconds before answering. “Take care of yourself. I don’t know who else might be after it.”

    Ven chuckled. “You know me Archie. When you see me next, I’ll have that fancy knife.” He then left, closing the bookshelf door behind him and proceeded to exit the shop.

    Archie sighed once Ven was out of earshot. “Yeah Ven… I do you know you. That’s why I worry.”
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  4. #4
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    Venex Apara's Avatar


    Several hours later, Ven found himself near the old abandoned warehouse that used to belong to Silver Scales. Finding it wasn’t hard as it was a well know location. Many fishermen used to work here back in the day. If it weren’t for pirates, the company would still be in business. Now, the warehouse was broken down and rotting away, and most people avoided it.

    Ven couldn’t help think that was fishy. Or maybe he was just thinking about fish. When was the last time he had fish? He could go for a good catfish with a bit of lemon right about now…

    No, bad Ven! You can get food later. If he wanted to do this, he needed to focus and stay out of sight. He didn’t know when his opportunity would come, so he needed every advantage he could get.

    That meant a good ole fashion stake out.


    No, stake out, not steak out! Get back on track!

    Ven then went to go check his pocket watch. Three hours till ten. Plenty of time to get set up. And where would Ven decide would be great location set up?

    Why a tree of course!

    Ok, sue him, but it was effective. After all, who looked in a tree? No one expects someone to be in a tree watching them, and that's what makes the spot so great!
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  5. #5
    Senior Member

    EXP: 3,002, Level: 2
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    Venex Apara's Avatar


    On a completely unrelated note, one skill Ven prided himself in was his ability to sleep anywhere. To the average person, this may seem fairly pointless, which granted, in understandable. The average person usual goes home and sleeps in their bed night after night. For a traveller such as himself this skill was invaluable. The road is rarely comfortable, such being able to sleep in terrible conditions makes life several degrees easier.

    Of course this is completely unnecessary information, and the fact that Ven somehow dozed off while up in his tree is completely besides the point...

    So there he snoozed, and there he lay. Like that, the whole mission was over. This was a one time event, and he blew it by falling asleep.

    At least he would have it it weren't for a stroke of pure, unadulterated, stupid luck.

    As it happened, Ven was awoken by the snapping of a stick. The sharp sound roused him from his doze, and he groggily opened his eyes, blinking and turning his head forwards the source of the sound.

    Beneath him, at the base of the tree, were two hooded figures.

    "Quite now," whispered One in a scolding tone.

    " Oh it was only a stick mate. It could barely be heard at all. Besides, we are the only ones here, and the rest are inside," said Two.

    " And your lucky for that. Made that mistake somewhere else, and it could cost ya."

    They then continued on their way.

    Ven blinked, then smiled. Jackpot.
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    - Cupcake box: here

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