Nevin: If anything goes wrong, I’m holding you responsible.
Fenn: Oh yeah, that’ll teach me.

Nevin: I love it when you get angry-
Felicity: [glares]
Nevin: I meant at other people, not me…

Nevin: Goodnight, Felicity.
Felicity: Goodnight!
Nevin: Goodnight, terrifying monster under the bed that eats misbehaving kids.
Eteri: [Through moniter under the bed in distorted voice] GOODNIGHT.

Maddy: (breathes)
Morus: Every word is a lie!

Ezra: Does anyone have any questions?
Eteri: Why are clothes all different colors but lint is always bluish gray?
Ezra: I meant questions about the mission.

Maddy: I'm cold.
Scarlet: Just like my heart.
Maddy: Now is not the time to debate which one of us is more dead inside.

Nevin: I don't have the energy for this.
Elthas: For what?
Nevin: [Gestures towards everything]

Yvonne: Is the equipment secure?
Felicity: Check.
Yvonne. Weapons loaded?
Felicity: Check.
Yvonne: Did you have breakfast?
Felicity: What? That’s not on the checklist.
Yvonne: I added it because I care about you.
Felicity. Oh. No, I did not have breakfast.
Yvonne: Unacceptable. Look in your bag.
Felicity, pulling a granola bar out of his bag: Hey, there’s little chocolate chips in this!
Yvonne: Yeah, I’m not an idiot. I know how to trick my blood sister into eating her fiber.

Yvonne: Now, Felicity. What do we say if someone asks you out?
Felicity: BEGONE THOT!!!
Yvonne, tearing up: I'm so proud of you...