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  1. #1

    EXP: 1,875, Level: 1
    Level completed: 94%, EXP required for next Level: 125
    Level completed: 94%,
    EXP required for next Level: 125

    Avin's Avatar


    Avin Painbringer
    18 (when died)
    Undead Kenku
    Through the streets I ran, a shadow in the night.

    I came from the hill I had always done - from the east and I made my way down the curve of the crescent that made the shape of the city. I sped through the larger emptier places, going straight to my chosen destinations. There were sixteen stables and twelve cattle sheds I had marked out, where my hundred expecting horses and one hundred expecting cows were waiting for their glorious deaths.

    I did not move very fast - I had yet to experience that supernatural gift of ever I were to get it - but I went as silent as I knew. That was as quiet as death, for I was death. My feet and claws were wrapped in rags to stop them from making any harsh or obvious sounds, and I had perfected the art of killing silently. I knew how to kill well, for a neck slash or a stab in the right place usually ended life swiftly without any need for cries being made.

    A stab to the jugular or the carotid arteries in the throat is a place to find quick bleeding and the subject will go unconscious after ten seconds at maximum. A good knife in the heart will get a person down quickly too. Easily accessible is the eye, and the brain sits right behind this, but one must be fast. Then there is the artery beneath the armpit, the one on the inside of the thigh. Any of these points will give death quickly and painfully. Yet I know the best one of all, taught to me and my brother when we were training as senshi, warriors of the kenku. The neck stab, the stem stab, right where the brain joins the rest of the body, giving it's life to everything else.

    That is where I usually aimed, and that is how I kill the majority of the time. It is near instantaneous and very easy to get wrong. But I try every time.

    Then try with a thrust to the throat.

    Through the streets I ran, and it was by the third block that I realised someone was following me. Confused, as I had not been followed any of my nights before, I edged in a wide arc. True enough the shadow that I saw skipping over the same fences and roofs went in almost the same angles. I frowned, frustrated and tried to push myself harder. I got to the first stable and rushed the horses there. My naginata out I reached and slashed three necks in a consecutive row. The last one whined and I threw it an angry look. Because of it I only had a single moment in which to wait, suck in one lungful of the sweet burnt meat smell - then dash.

    Looking back I saw the figure pause and bend over the beast who had made the noise. Rolling my eyes I swung away, running and jumping for the next destination I was headed to. Clearly this being had sentiment. They were stupid.

    But it but struck me that I could hamper my follower with hopeful salvation if they liked the animals. Therefore I paused at a kennel I had met once night before and severely hurt the new dog there. Now limping the creature whined as he struggled to get to safer ground and I had to satisfy myself with the brief half scent of death.

    It seemed to slow down progress for - hurrah! - at my next appointment I checked and I had no followers. Grinning in my eyes I spent time locating the aorta of each cow and rejoiced as I saw the panic rise in their eyes. The scent of death hit me and I could take large lungfuls of the stuff, feeding my addiction. “Cause chaos,” Quansaldo had said.

    Well, I was stealing the future of the milk industry. I blew a loud raspberry to the last dying pregnant cow before I twisted around and began heading out of the shed.

    But I was stopped, stunned. For standing in the doorway, framed in moonlight was a figure. And she was feathered. And she was black. I tilted my head, rubbing my bare chest as I looked astounded at another kenku, dressed in a thick woollen tunic. She had a shiny silver thing in her hand and had huge eyes the stared.

    Pausing, I tried to think. Then I understood as I recognised her from the time when I had been sent to the woods to spy on a group heading into a vampire castle. She had been among them, she who Quansaldo had marked as my enemy.

    Or at least the servant of his - our enemy.

    I straightened and tightened my grip on my naginata, preparing for war as the succulent scent of death began to filter away.

    “Enemy,” I grunted in greeting.

    But her reply was better. In fact I hadn't not expected it. She gazed at me with utter disbelief.

    Her beak opened.

    As she whispered in awe.

    ... Avin?”

  2. #2

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    He was a completely different colour. His black feathers had been dulled to an ugly, dusty white-grey. And they were less shimmering, less proud. But was the same height as she remembered, he held himself the same way - as a warrior. He had the same build, wore the same etchu-fundoshi style clothing, which was a glorified form of loincloth. He also had the same very distinctive rose red spark in his pale, boney eyes.

    It had to be him. But last Stare had known … he was dead.

    “Oh my …” she murmured, keeping a cautious few paces back from the shed’s interior but longing to do nothing more than to run and throw her arms around him. She tried a smile to her eyes, but it came out pained and awkward.

    “Oh Avin,” she said faster. “I can't believe you are here. Alive! It's - hells you don't know anything. We're - oh my,” she ran a hand through her feathers at her head. “Ansaldo's balls, how are you here? What happened-”

    And she tried to take a stumbled, excited step towards him. But he quickly growled. He lowered his naginata - that weapon he had treasured beyond all others - and pointed the bladed end at her stomach.

    Stare froze, and her eyes went large. “Avin … What is wrong with you? It's me, Stare … I mean Avis! You know, your-”

    Stare? came a confused voice. What is going on? Your thoughts, they are ...

    Vitruvion, it's my brother! she said hurriedly, her eyes on the pale but so familiar stranger. He was acting … strange, definitely, but she was so certain of his identity.

    There was an unsteady pause. Stare … is he the perpetrator?

    She sighed and looked past Avin into the shed. True enough there were four corpses of cows inside, their bodies bleeding still. Sir looked back to Avin.

    And saw the confusion in his eyes. Her brow rose and then she realised …

    “Avin,” she looked at him seriously. “You know who I am right?”

    The pale kenku, still with his naginata lowered and pointed at her, his body in a ready crouch snarled.

    “Yes,” he growled. “You are my enemy.”

    Stare’s blood drained and if one could see her skin … they would say it had gone deathly pale. Like the bastard … no her brother before her.

    “Oh fuck,” she whispered, fitting the pieces together. “Oh my …” she looked at him with great sorrow. “Avin, I'm your sister. You've forgotten, you must have, but we'll get you help.”

    She felt sorrow stab at her heart as she sent out the plea. Vitruvion, I think he has memory loss. Can you help him? I don't know what has happened to him ...

    I am on my way, the god grunted, and she sensed him spin on the spot where he was on a long cobbled road and start up towards her. Look behind you. I need to know where you are.

    Stare nodded, and nodded briefly to Avin before she turned. She gave Vitruvion a long look at the trees and buildings behind her, showing him just where in the city.

    Be quick, she began. I think he-

    But that was all she said. At least that was all Vitruvion heard. Because at that point Avin lost it, and decided to act on one of his primary orders - bring about the downfall of Vitruvion Elssmith.

    His enemy with her back to him he jabbed forwards, and struck the back of her neck. Right in, knowing the body of a kenku so well. So firm. Stab! Right at the brain stem.

    Right at the brain stem.


    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  3. #3

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    It was like a dream.

    Like a distant memory that had faded to nothing long ago. It was like floating on and in clouds, surrounded by a world of little worries and few troubles. It was like being lost but wanting to be, enjoying it and loving the world that you had ended up in. It was light, airy, magical but had begun with bitter pain.

    Stabbing, hateful, angry pain that ripped down her spine like a lightning bolt. And all she could hear in her head was a scream. A loud, agonising, tremendous scream, that screeched and wailed and cried as if it felt the deadly killing pain too ...

    No …. STARE!

    That's me, she thought, as she succumbed to the peace offering to embrace her. I'm pretty sure that is my name.

    And the peace enveloped her. It became the dream, it became the clouds. It was the new land with new horizons. And she lived in it. And she loved it.

    For it was nothing. It was silence.

    It was no worries, no fear and no anger. Only a great love that pounded from a steady heart somewhere nearby. An endless, warm, unquestionable love. From who? Well that answer was easy.

    From a god.

    Expecting it be the end Stare let all else fade away. She gave one last breath and welcomed death as the final escape. She had had her chance of life, and now it was someone else. So fast it came, so she barely had seconds to think, I am dead.

    But then one does not really think of that.

    Instead she was confused, expecting there to be more of a heaven that this dream, but she decided it would do. After all, where did kenku go when they died? To Ansaldo's heaven? To a plane that only Vitruvion knew about? To a world that the kami inhabited?

    Apparently .. somewhere white and very, very fluffy.

    She closed her eye and leant back, for what seemed like …


    Until it was not. Until she - she felt …


    What the … Eh? she thought as she felt herself inhabit … a body?

    Certainly it felt like a body, with arms and legs and torso and a beak. Good, a beak no lips or funny nose thing, that was a bonus. And a heart that was not beating and lungs that were not currently filling with air.

    Well that was a problem. Were not bodies supposed to breathe and move and things? And she could swear she could see only darkness.

    But just how … and why? Why a second … was this an odd heaven? Was reincarnation even …

    She needed oxygen, her instincts told her. Therefore, quite suddenly, Stare gasped. Her beak snapped open for air and she was - breathing … what? She needed air? This was crazy. She was supposed to be dead now, gone to another place where bodies did not need things to survive.

    As her heart started to beating - thump, thump, woo hoo! - she heard a rattling. Then … movement. Not hearing movement - well there was some to hear but more importantly she was … moving. Being made to move. Her … hands were being pulled back and upwards with gentle precision as strong arms caught her body and began to pull it up into a slouched position.

    Head dropping, still breathing, heart still going. Mmmmm.

    Movement stopped. And she relaxed, eyes still not opening but loving this type of half life. It was nice. Maybe it could continue, yet she was still breathing, and the clouds had gone.

    Light. Holy Ansaldo's britches, actual light, at her eyelids.

    Scowling she tried to move a hand to shove it out of the way but … well something was dropping her hand from moving at all. Instead there was a light thumping like metal on wood and -


    Her eyes peeked open. First one, then the other. She saw white, tiled walls, a bed she was in and luxury sheets beneath her. Currently she was half sitting up, her two legs stretched out before her with … yup, they were fetters fixed around the ankles. Trailing a chain that was fixed to the end of the bed and she was pretty certain her wrists that hung about shoulder height were similarly caught and secured.

    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  4. #4

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    “... Stare?”

    A meaningful voice. Strong, decisive, true. One that summoned up her deepest instincts to listen and made her eyes once more spin around.

    Her heart was racing with the realisation of what had happened.

    Vitruvion swam into view. He was standing over her, one hand on the headboard and leaning in, eyes fixed and firm.

    “Stare. Do you know who I am?”

    “Where's … where's Avin?” Stare found herself able to crack her voice. It was then she discovered her throat was incredibly dry. She let out a hacking cough.

    “No, I said, do you-”

    “Of course I know who you are, you bastard,” she said painfully. “Water? And where is Av-”

    More coughing. This time worse, likely due to the fact she had forced more words out. A grim expression appeared on Vitruvion's face but he looked behind him and nodded. A flask was passed over his shoulder. Taking it in hand he unstoppered it and held it to her beak. Opening her beak she tilted her head back to let the water run in, in and down her throat.

    Ansaldo's balls, she was thirsty apparently.

    She blinked as she remembered the name 'Ansaldo’ and everything that went with it. Still drinking, her eyes flickered back to Vitruvion and she knew that he had to know when she thought about it. He had to be listening right now.

    She turned her head away when she had had her fill of water. Swallowing the last she let herself catch her breath for a moment before she found herself, and resumed to the question in mind.

    “Where is Avin?”

    Vitruvion breathed in sharply, but he allowed her the question, stoppering the bottle as he answered.

    “He was gone by the time I got to you. And that was within seconds. There was no trace of him, minus the corpses of the cows and yourself-”

    He stopped sharply, his eyes looking at her quickly up and down. Pausing, he leant forwards and with a hand placed it on the back of her neck. She found herself suddenly shoved forwards with a strength she could deny, and though she protested with a - “Hey!” - and a resistance, there had never been any chance. She was pitched to the side as far as those stupid manacles would allow as he peered at the back of her neck.

    His fingers pushed aside her feathers as he looked her over like a prize. She could feel them dig through her plumage to her skin, and search, digging down until he had scoured every bit where the blade had.

    A jolt ran through her, a spasm as her body remembered death. It was the only answer to what had happened to her. So why was she still here? Vitruvion was still scouring the place where the blade had gone in, forcing her into this awkward, leaning position. She ground her sides of her beak together and attempted to sit back up, but then his hand pressed firmly down again.

    She could not argue with the most powerful strength she knew. The fingers continued to move and he began to make noises such as, “Hmmm,” and, “I see.”

    Her eyes became a dagger glare. Hissing with distaste as it went on for too long she eventually spat.

    “Are you going to tell me what the fuck I'm doing here or do I actually need to ask myself?”

    The suddenness of her rude and angry sentence made him pause. His fingers remained on the back of her neck for a moment longer, then they lifted and she was allowed to move back. Savagely her glare flickered up to meet his, where she burned her questions at him. His brow rose - oh, balls, that familiar brow - before he lifted a hand.

    And he asked quietly. “Desian and Demer, will you leave us please?”

    “But sir!”

    Vitruvion twisted around to eye them. “I am protected enough. She cannot harm me and there are questions that need to be answered, in private.”

    Pauses, and Stare was confused at their hesitancy in leaving … but then remembered that she had given Desian both a dose of necrosis - her 'grotesque’ stare - and a helping of pain - her 'power’ stare. To them, she was the monster, chained and dangerous. Vitruvion was perfectly capable of controlling it as the beast by herself, and so he could assure them that all was well.

    The two relations stood and shuffled out, the male supporting the injured female. Vitruvion waited until he heard the door closed, at which point Stare tugged on the chains and demanded at him.

    “What the fuck is going on? Because I'm pretty sure that I died.”
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  5. #5

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Slowly Vitruvion let out a long sigh. An obvious look of pain passed over his face as he considered a subject that had apparently been a sore subject for him. Stare frowned at him, a dark frown, as she considered the other times she had ever seen that look. Once there had been a time in the Hollow, where Hugin had brought Reign into a council meeting as his 'own’ sex slave. Then there had been the time they had first discovered the existence of his brother. Then more recently, Vitruvion had stood on a hill overlooking Bane Wood village and he had sent her away, saying that they could not go seek the ape-orcs together, a possible species that, like her own, had been banished from Vitruvion's homeworld to this one by his father. That day she had learnt of the deep trust for her that neither of them really admitted but knew was there. A similar emotion to-

    “That was the day,” he said quietly.

    Focusing and realising she had been dosing she looked at him. “What?”

    “That was the day …” he said again, his eyes steady with hers, “That I decided to do something …”

    There was a pause. Stare hated suspense right now. After all she was chained to a frigging bed.

    “To do what?” she demanded in a harsh tone.

    “Stare,” he sighed at her tone. But then he went on. “That was the day I decided to do something about your … mortality.”

    Silence fell. Stare blinked, confused. “Sorry, I did not quite get that last bit. Did you said mort-”

    “'Mortality,’ indeed,” the god nodded, now starting to sound a little more like his usual self. “That which allows you to die and never come back.”

    Die and-

    Stare blinked, her eyes wild with expressions. Uncertainty, shock, disbelief, confusion.

    “Mort …”

    What the Ansaldo's balls ...

    Vitruvion's face changed slightly. He went from looking at her concerned to having a small brightness in his eyes. Colour came to his face as his lips formed a line and in the corner they twitched up into - into a - a smirk …


    “Oh my …” she whispered, as she stared at him in utter horror.

    His smirk grew, and there he was back. The god who ruled her world, her life, her existence …

    “Fucking bastard,” she shrieked and tried to go for him.

    Naturally she forgot two things in that fit of rage. One, he was a god - her god to be precise - and two, she was chained to the bed. What occurred was that she sort of uselessly flailed and slumped as chains rattled and she glared at the man before her who was now honestly smiling.

    “I spent those three days meeting with the Raiaeran god of immortality,” he spoke quietly. “I gave him my plight, he offered me assistance and discovered it did not go against any of the treaty I signed with them when I came here. We worked on the enchantment and it took time but … well …”

    He gestured at her as she hissed darkly.

    “You won't age, now. Instead-”

    “You couldn't just leave me alone, could you?” She shrieked, she glowered and glared at him. “You couldn't just let me die, let me live my life?!”
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  6. #6

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    The god paused a moment and blinked, part of the smile fading. “Stare, I told you a while back, near when we first met that something was going to be done about your short life. This is merely … well.”

    Her beak snapped as close as she could get it near his skin, in the circumstances.

    “You didn't even ask me, Vitruvion!” she yelled. “What is it? How many deaths? How more do I have to suffer before you are satisfied?!”

    The smile faded completely. It was replaced by a huge frown and a deep crush in his brow. He blinked a few times and switched his balance of his stance.

    “Stare …” he said carefully, “This -”

    “You disgust me,” she spat, the anger boiling over now and the words … they were words made to hurt, made to curse. She chose them to sting because it felt bloody good. Eyes dark she hissed at the man before her who had - had … gods, she couldn't even think about it.

    “I hate you. I despise you,” she hissed, mad, “I wish we had never met, that Raevin had nerve found me. I wish I was still dead, that I had no life here. I wish you had been, I wish that you and I-”


    Her words were cut off. Suddenly there he was, leaning across her. No, not leaning, he was basically over her, straddling her. One leg was awkwardly bent over hips whilst the other was on the side of her. His eyes were dark again, full of an anger and passion so deep that she could barely fathom the beginnings of it. And his hand - his hand …

    It was pressed against her throat, pinning her back against the headboard. Her great eyes, suddenly filled with fear stared back at him and her heart beat wildly. All the things she had been saying - they tumbled from her mind like leaves, born from malice and made to hurt, nothing more. They had served their purpose clearly for now he was holding her down, all the strength of ages poured in to subduing her, quietening her, reminding her just who was master and god in this relationship …

    And then he saw her fear. Her utter, sudden distress and terror from him. Her beak was clamped shut, her breath short and in her mind all she could think about was the last few days and the two nights. Where the ferocity of dealing with the Hugin situation driving him over the age with ire, to the point where he had ordered her to sleep on the windowseat …

    Something he knew, in this moment, he could make her do anytime. Because she knew precisely what and who he was, and what powers he possessed. He had every right to pull her apart molecule by atom, every single iota and particle …

    But that was not the type of god he wanted to be. Not the type he had ever wanted to be. That was his father's way, likely his brother's way. A law given with a malicious grin, followed because of fear. A type of ruling that assigned beings under gods and gave them the right to crush them and banish them whenever they saw fit. Public executions, forced migrations, epidemics because one was simply bored …
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  7. #7

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    He let out a long, uneasy sigh and released her neck. Breath rushing back into her lungs she gasped, and then spluttered, remaining in the same position but responding to the physical needs. Her own attitude was a knowledge of what he was, and a personally created bubble of dread that bordered on awe. Complete and full wonder at what he was and what he … hells, what he had actually done to her …

    “How - how many deaths?” she whispered.

    Vitruvion heaved in a weary sigh. He looked at her before looking down at her plumage. Her glossy feathers, so beautiful to his eyes and wondrous and ebony.

    “There is no limit,” he admitted. “It will continue until …”

    “Until?” she urged.

    “Until I and the god Galatirion jointly agree it for the best to end it.”

    Which meant … well.

    She swallowed heavily, the weight of the news crushing her. A realisation of a life … a truly eternal, immortal life. One that she could not escape from, aside from those.mythical tales.

    He shook his head as he lifted his eyes back to her. “We were very thorough, Stare. Two gods, one who's speciality is immortality itself. Granted, elvish immortality but the idea is the-”

    “But why?” she suddenly cried, tears starting to fall now. “Forgive me but why? Why couldn't you let me just live a full life?”

    The question seemed to stun him for a moment. Vitruvion paused and he looked right into her eyes. She saw fire in there, energy and the same passion as before. His chin lifted as he moved properly now, his leg unfolding so he was completely straddling her. Leaning in he locked contact with her and stretched a hand until he rested on the headboard. He locked his fingers around it and balanced himself as his other hand slid down and cupped the side of her jaw. Intently he gazed at her and in that moment … she was aware of what Nevin had spoken off. When he had discovered his and Vitruvion's true connection. When he had seen their bonds. When he had murmured:

    You… you love her. You really love her.

    “I made the most selfish decision I ever have that day, Stare,” he spoke in a hushed tone, but full of strong confidence and pride. So much determination. So much intent. “I decided that I refused to live without you. Not that I could not live with you, but I would not. I refused, and I still refuse.” He moved even closer to her, and she was entirely mute, lost in his words, his gaze, his presence … “You are mine, Stare, forever and always, and I refuse to let anything take you from me. Another hand, another god, war, death - nothing stands in my way now. You are mine, and have admitted such so many times. Body, soul, now existence. I will live forever, and you will now too. By my side, constantly. I will never let anyone touch you, I will keep you even when you hate me with every morsel of your body, yet still I will keep my promises to you, Stare.” He breathed out and narrowed his eyes, his hold on her chin though still as gentle as a newborn. “You cannot escape me, now. Ever. You are mine, and for what I need to be I am yours. Your god, your friend, your companion. We will face eternity together, and I swear from this day to protect you. Forever.” .

    He stared right at her, to her very core being and her soul, which was … entirely his. She admitted it now, she gave in and completely admitted it. She was his through and through and even though she swore she hated him her loyalty had always lain with him. Why then would she forgo sleep for all those hours and try to save the city in his name? Why then would she fight this war? Because she was loyal to him. She had to honestly admit it to herself. She had been ever since she found out he was her god.


    ... Fuck.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  8. #8

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Eventually he moved his hand as the silence between them became more. It dropped from her face as he let out a long, murmuring sigh that extended and exposed all the feelings he had. Stare herself - well, she was caught between awe that Avin was alive, at least sort of, and that she was … alive too. Her eyes were still large, staring wordlessly at the man before her whom she knew she trusted now, despite what he had done to her. The innate trust was so obvious when one looked at it, to both of them. Nevin had seen it as a form of love, that was one explanation.

    Vitruvion then suddenly seemed to notice his position. He was still straddling her, his knees on each side of her hips. Beneath him her small but gentle form was bound and his for the taking, if he so wanted. He felt a leap of joy in his chest at the potential, because, he had to admit it, his sex drive was rather high, which is partly why he had built the Hollow. His lips parted, and the idea formed in his head as he remembered the actual pleasure he had had taking her before and he-

    A sharp intake of breath. Glancing up, he saw that Stare had noticed the same thing. Except in her eyes … there was a weariness, a fear. Something he prized in other girls but for her, well. She would always have to be willing from now on. Always.

    Quickly he moved off her before any of his more obvious signs of arousal made themselves known. It was very highly likely that because he could feel something that she had too, and he avoided looking at her because of the disgust in her mind she was hastily trying to cover up and pretend was not there.

    “I will return … later,” he said. “For now, just …”

    “Sit tight?” she muttered, a weak line of sarcasm working its way out.

    Glancing to her once he raised an eyebrow and then smiled slightly. “I will have Desrian bring food and drink.”

    “Do I need to be kept like this?” Stare asked, blinking. “I get for the first bit, as I was confused and violent but now ….?”

    “I … that we need to discuss this matter further, Stare. But right now, is not the right time. I am not risking you running off right now, so just … yes.”

    He adjusted his clothes and waved a hand at her. “I will return. Try to calm down more and … yes.”

    He twisted and started marching out. Leaving her in his wake, trussed and chained and entirely at his pleasure. For his taking if he had wanted, but he had refused. Kept to his promise never to have sex with her unless she gave permission and she had not wanted that all. She had felt his presence, his desires and then rejected them with disgust.

    Her jaw tightened and she glowered, but he opened and shut the door behind him with no other words. Stare huffed, blinking a few times as she sat there, now irritated. By all her reckoning her cuffs were of stronger stuff than steel, likely dehlar, and that meant she was not going anywhere just quite yet.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  9. #9

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Sighing and tipping her head back she gazed at the ceiling, irritated but knowing she would get no more from him. He would be off now, straight to Sable or Blaze. They would ease him, satisfy him in a way she did not want him to. Not ever again as far as she was concerned.

    Because he had started out to her as a rapist. A machochist, enforcer and mockery of a gentleman. Then he had become something more as time went on, or she had to him. She had provided a face to talk to, to discuss with to suffer with. Both of them had faced Thesus Heysan as one, and that had initially bonded them. Then through her own research (inspired by the same Thesus Heysan's daughter) and Vitruvion's careful deductions they had discovered the truth of their bond. And it had grown from there. She had got a salary. Vitruvion had made his fake slavery documents into real ones. He had called her high priestess. She had admitted that she and he had a trust that ran deep, and openly admitted to a neat and dear friend that he was her god. Then, there had been the possibility of love, and now this … this. Something that cemented their futures together eternally with every myth of escape that Vitruvion had thought of covered in some way, apparently.

    Damn, she was immortal now. Not fakely, or shabbily like one death save, but properly immortal. From what she could tell it can't have been too long that she was in fake death and had seemed to come back entirely healed. Avin … her own brother, or he who was a shadow of his former self had killed her. He had called her 'enemy’ and stabbed her in the back of the neck, the brain stem where she too knew cause an instant death, if one was skilled enough to find it.

    It was something taught at kenku fight school. Damn. Damn. Enemy?

    Had he really said, “enemy’? Did he really not remember or recognise her? She thought of how he had looked and the word he had used and the way he had killed her - from the back. He had killed countless beasts over the days and hopefully he had stopped that night. Hopefully, she would need to ask. But the actions and the word …

    A sense of unease fell into her heart as she considered what he might be and what had happened. Because she was certain he had been killed along with her brother. Briefly, once, she had seen his body.

    Damn. So he had been resurrected, like her but not. It had caused him to lose his memory and for him to think of her as an enemy. So he recognised her, but only with hate as an intention, and murder …

    Oh heck. Hells. Ansaldo's bloody balls. He had to have been, it was the only part that made sense.

    She realised Avin had to have been resurrected by Vitruvion's new-to-Althanas half-mad and half-brother.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  10. #10

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Suddenly then her eyes were open fully. And she began to stare around, twisting her head to glare at her wrists. They were bound to a wooden bedframe, one with a headboard of a criss-cross style pattern, with the links of chains passed through them, then bolted together. Her jaw tightened as she narrowed her eyes and tried to find out where her “wrist” precisely was located so she could summon the strength to move it. Then the thought passed through her mind that she had actually moved her her without thinking and so - so, she thought “wrist” and soon she was tugging, pulling, unable to move the thing -

    “Miss Stare, Miss Stare, please-”

    A voice. She had not expected a voice. The only voice she had heard had been that screaming her name in her skull before she had drifted in the nothing. Jaw tightening she swung her head around, eyes darting with a savagery to the culprit.

    There, in the room itself, in the space beyond this bed that she was bound to, stood a young woman. She looked anxious and pale and uncertain. A name popped into mind, learnt long ago. 'Desian,’ who works with her cousin ‘Demer’ in the kitchens of the … the Hollow. Where she was.


    Immediately Stare began to tug and demand room at every cuff, yanking and pulling at it, her heart going mad as she bent and contorted her body. Confusion - so much confusion. She had been there, now she was here. The chains creaked and rattled, her feet wriggled and hands begged. But the metal, that was different loops from the all too familiar cuff of metal still on her left wrist For some reason it was ‘good’ it was there. She felt it was ‘good.’ But these other things - they were bad and restrictive. Still not making a vocal noise she arrived against them, making the bed creak as she tried, tried, tried.


    “Already on it,” and footsteps. Running footsteps.

    Stare glanced at where they came from. There was a doorway, and someone was running through it, fast. She was still panickedly heaving at these bonds that would not give for all she could tell right now, they were wrong. She did not want them. The Hollow - the Hollow was a bad place, full of hateful memories and a life lived in fear, horror, pain.

    Too much pain.

    Stare threw her eyes back to the girl, choosing the first bare piece of skin. Then there was a shriek as ugly dark blotches began to mould and mutate, the skin itself beginning to die. 'Desian’ began to yell out in agony, and staggered backwards against a wall. Looking into what she knew of herself and who she was, Stare searched until she found another thing that could be useful. She glared at the woman's hand and summoned an idea of horror.

    A metaphorical stab and the girl was then clutching at her hand. She cried out, but still made no move to release Stare. Because that was who the kenku was - she was ‘Stare’. And she ‘stared’ at things exceptionally well. It came in handy when she was trapped in a hell hole.

    Next -

    A tall shadow fell in her way, cutting in between her and the creature who would not release her - ‘Desian.’ He was dark, with a pale top and was looking down at her with the most focused, intense sky blue eyes …


    And the being that was Stare … gasped. Her lungs suddenly called out for air as her heart leapt and then, then she knew and pieces began to fall back into place. Things of who she was, and what she was. What she had been doing before this and why. The man with the blue eyes suffered no pain at her stare - that was incredibly important. He was, she was, they were, this was …


    Her heart began to leap and suddenly … suddenly she knew precisely what …

    Vitruvion. Raevin. Mer. Brer. Nevin. Nosdyn. Avin ...


    “Oh my gods …” she whispered. “I - I - he …”

    I'm pretty sure I just died.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

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