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Hybrid View

  1. #1

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Careful, girl, or I'll send you back there now.

    I'm allowed to have emotions, she argued back, You don't steal someone's life and mortality and force them into an eternity of slavehood without consulting them first.

    Slavehood only as a technicality, Stare. You were doing well up until now, do not spoil it.

    Well, she hissed, her eyes glued to the top of his head. You weren't here to … to tell the world is … force me to do this, be here and say these things. The only reason your reputation is still together is because of me.

    Yes, and I thank you, and I find your loyalty touching and useful. You are useful to me, I will not let you leave my service or my side ever. Now stop glaring at me like that and return to proper decorum.

    Proper decorum it's ass. But it might as well have been an order. Stare was dimly aware of a conversation now ongoing about if, then, the brothers should expect Stare to possibly conduct the meetings in future. Vitruvion was currently saying that yes, they should consider her his representative from now on, if such matters arose again. Certainly, right now, she hated him, and also of the stares that were now on her from those who were in shocked disbelief that one, she had saved their city and two, she was immortal - what now? Vitruvion was lucky that Stare's loyalty had grown to the point it had now. But then, if it had not, he would never had asked her to step forwards as his representative, or not stopped her in using his name as a rallying point for the supply train. It struck her just how she had changed in the last six or seven months, going from wretched slave who constantly said the wrong things deliberately, to steward who gave him a good reputation but always had new reasons to detest him. Most of her loyalty, she knew, grew from the fact that he was her god, and all else had grown from that. But loyalty did not mean that memories went away, and fresh feelings of anger.

    “Miss?” came a soft, nervous whisper.

    Stare looked over to see Desian of all people offering her a goblet of rich-smelling wine. Two goblets in fact. Stare grunted and grabbed both before automatically checking the metal with a glance of her eyes and passing over the more full and pristine one and holding it out to Vitruvion. Not skipping a single note and without breaking eye contact, the 'brother’ leant over to cup his hand around the goblet and take it from her. Then he paused a moment, in his speech, gestured for a brother to respond before he pointed at her, but did not look at her.

    “Food,” he said quietly, in a non-suggestive, ordering manner.

    Damn, she thought, realising her actions and his words. Damn this all.
    Twisting back to Desian she forced her away around the room until she caught up with the serving girl. Desian gasped a little and looked honestly nervous - but then, Stare had attacked her earlier - before nodding.

    “Can you please get some food,” she muttered. “He'll eat … grapes, cheese, olives, that sort of thing just now.”
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  2. #2

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Desian glanced in the direction of Vitruvion, then back to Stare. “Of course Miss,” she whispered before giving her last couple of goblets away and hurrying out of the room. Stare moodily stalked back over to Vitruvion before returning to his left side.

    “It's coming,” she murmured.

    “That was not too hard, now was it?” he whispered back, nodding as he pretended to listen to a brother.

    She looked away and huffed. “Wine good enough?”

    “Actually it's slightly vinegary,” he muttered. “But it will do.”

    She stood there for a moment, staring at him until he noticed his sly smile. Hissing under her breath she shoved her hand out and he placed the wine back in it. Twisting around she let her eyes scan over the room, only very briefly brushing those of Pride. She noticed then that the girl was still looking at her, eyebrows raised and looking somewhere between confused and in awe.

    “I'll be back,” she muttered to him before she took both goblets and started out of the room.

    She returned some minutes later to find the conversation thankfully moved on from her, and Hugin. Now the brothers were discussing the food crisis and solutions to avoiding such a thing in the future. One of them, an orcish man called Dru Blacktooth, was even suggesting not having Hugin replaced but instead turn his rooms into some form of storage facility.

    Stare had gone down to Vitruvion's own apartments and grabbed wine from his own supply. On the way up she had met Desian and was now returning with both better wine and food, sacrificing her own (i.e. downing it) to have space in her hands. The time she had taken had been useful in order to get her breath back from her ordeal, outside of the stifling room. Because, really, it had to be admitted …

    She had finally done it. Finally she had committed the final and dreadful act of calling the prisoners here 'guests’ in front of their 'hosts’ and them. Her final act in her traitorous journey, the actual words had transferred her truly over to the dark side in this horror. A long time ago Vitruvion had planned to have her take over the administration side of the Hollow, but when Stare had proved her use in business he kept her focus there. For six months now she had been coming and going as a simple punter, briefly appearing at a council meeting to simply be a presence, and also let Vitruvion know she was alive after losing her cuff to the first Church of Sabazios mage she had come across. That was the same time she had learnt first of his half brother who secretly plagued their lives, and hells, brought her brother back to her. So many things, so many journeys and Stare had today signed one of her final farewells. Two, if one countered mortality. The other was to the last part she felt of her that was salvageable - the small impact she had on the Hollow, but now as she walked back she realised that had died now too. The brothers now recognised her as Vitruvion's representative. They would never seen in the same way again.

    When she came back she noticed Pride.

    The girl was looking at her with a strong intensity, and not with just the confusion and awe from before. There was … something else, like a spark had been ignited and a new passion had arisen. Slowly, without breaking eye contact with her she passed over the goblet, then the plate of bread and olives to Vitruvion. Pride swallowed slightly and then began to raise a hand to indicate something … before a tap came at her shoulder. A look of despair fell over her face as she looked back and saw a series of gestures from Tanish. She blinked a few times, a few conflicting thoughts apparently in her head before she nodded and related his thoughts to the general room.

    Stare though … could not shake it. There had been something in Pride for a moment, and indication that perhaps she did not hate her. An idea came into Stare's mind, to look into the aura sight and find what emotion might be flaring, but a quick word sounded into her head.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  3. #3

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Take her outside and do it. I can do without the distraction of seeing a room of souls just now.

    She paused. You don't have to look into my head.

    You should know by now I am there most of the time. It has unfortunately become a habit, and I find I can multitask, he picked up his goblet to his lips and took a slow sip.

    How on earth do you suppose I get her outside on her own? Stare asked, bemused.

    He used his many ringed finger to tear of a chunk of bread and push it into his mouth with all the ceremony of a king. If she is this desperate you can leave and she will find an excuse to leave. She is trusted beyond anything with Tinash. Hence being unbound and he only had one guard with him. Then we can know what she wants.

    You mean I can, Stare smiled slightly.

    Don't try to be funny. I said what I mean.

    With that he twisted his head around sightly and looked at her. For the first time since he had entered the room their eyes met. The flash of ice blue bore into her and she found herself stunned for a moment before she ducked her head and looked away. Her heart racing she looked once over to Pride and waited until the girl could see her. Then the kenku meaningfully looked away before obviously turning … and heading out of the door.

    She didn't even glance to Zulon, but stepped all the way out. Huffing she stepped through the short corridor and into the round hall that acted as a sort of crossroads for the long path that made up the Hollow. Stare checked and found Vitruvion's half aware presence in her mind. Pausing for a moment she did a short walk and found nobody there asides from her own self. Yes, there would be guards further up the white corridor towards the door but that was all.

    Perhaps Pride would not be allowed out, despite Vitruvion's suggestion she was trusted.

    A creak from behind her made the very idea tumble from her mind. Pride was already quietly coming out, her deep auburn hair framing her fine features. Stare had never really looked at Pride before but now, in this more open light than that in the council chamber, she could see that her skin had a slightly shimmering tone to it, like the sheen on pearls.

    “Hi …” Stare said slowly, her hand closing over the hilt of her dagger just in case.

    Pride blinked a few times before picking her way over the cobbles, coming anxiously closer. Stare noticed that she wore no shoes and was dressed in a thin dress. In fact she was moderately shivering, and the kenku felt a stab of guilt over having taken her from a room with so many warm bodies to help generate heat.

    “I don't have much time,” Pride said quickly. “I used the excuse of needing to use the facilities, and so …”
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  4. #4

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    The kenku nodded slowly, uncertain as to where this was going. She paused for a moment, not knowing if she really wanted to and if the aura sight was a brilliant idea after all.

    “Well,” Pride looked nervous for a moment, running a hand through her thick, luscious hair in stress. “Well I … I was wondering if you might be able to help me.”

    Help her? Stare paused for a moment, and hoped to high heaven this was not a plea for freedom. Bringing up a hand she began to shake her head.

    “Pride, I've been asked to help people escape before. I cannot do that, it's impossible for me to-”

    “No, I don't mean that!” Pride said quickly, shaking her head. “I mean, I am not an idiot, I know you cannot. It's clear that you yourself are under some sort of contract … thing with Sir Elssmith.”

    Stare paused, raising her brow. It was not too far from the truth actually. The first thing that had kept Stare by his side was her cuff. It bonded their minds together, but more than that he had the ability to forge a connection and mentally cause pain to her. The memory of that time came to her and she was oddly confused for a moment to realise that it had been many, many months since he had used any of that sort of technique. Pain and threats was how they had begun and now … well. She had just saved a city in his name without anyone asking.

    She let out a sort of weak shrug. “It's a little bit more complicated than that …” she murmured.

    “I don't need to know the details, but,” Pride said quickly. “I know that he has power here. He is the only brother able to do magic in the Hollow and you … well. The first council meeting you were ever in …”

    Vitruvion had got her to stun someone to shut them up. Stare had forgotten that really as well. The kenku now frowned, knowing now that Pride really wasn't stupid at all. In fact she seemed to be incredibly perceptive and clever. There was really very little that Stare knew about Pride, but then they did not live in the same world anymore. Even with her time in the Hollow, they had never properly spoken. All in all Reign had likely spread the rumour that Stare was irritating and abrasive and only Blaze had really been her friend.

    “And now apparently you are immortal, he said?!”

    Stare breathed in slowly, and looked away a slight amount of pain in her eyes. “That was … an unexpected turn of events. My abilities keep growing exponentially. So my use to Vitruvion has increased.”

    Pride nodded fast. “I understand, and I know you will understand when I tell you that - I -”

    “Before you say anything more, Vitruvion will hear you,” Stare said quickly, eyeing her a warning. “He and I-”

    “I know that,” Pride said, “As I said, I'm not an idiot. Others are and would never see, but I figured that out a long time ago.” She drew up, straightened, stress lines clear. “Just let me say this. I think … in fact I know now for near certainty that I have gained the ability to do magic. Here.”
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  5. #5

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Stunned, utter silence.

    What? was Stare's profound thought.

    Aura, now.

    Ah yes. She had not done it until now, and had meant to but politeness and the development of the conversation had distracted her. With Pride before her honestly looking like she might break into a thousand pieces at any moment, Stare barged her way into the aura sight with all the strength she could. In the quiet white stone corridor she saw a bright and glorious light before her. It was a light of a deep silver colour, but one that pulsated and thrummed with life. It was not grey, which meant no power, and it was not bound by a thin string of white energy - Vitruvion's eternal enchantment that kept the magic in this place on lockdown. That meant it was living, and was beyond what could be controlled by his spell. Which meant that it was of otherworldly origin, from beyond a place of Althanas.

    Stare also saw that the main light of her energy was flowing fairly regularly, but hardly touched her root chakra. The lowest chakra, located in the very base of the spine. Without light there it showed the kenku that Pride was suffering from almost complete fear, and by the way it was so deep seated and the other chakras moving so fluidly, it seemed that she had been living with it for some time.

    Fear of herself. Fear of her power that she had to constantly hide. Fear of the fear that she had to hide.

    And her aura itself was a bright consistent pumpkin. So she had good heart and intentions and a neutral attitude to the morals and laws of the land. It would be fine to work with.

    “Well?” Pride whispered, her lips quivering. “Can you help me? I have no idea what is going on and it's been about four months now …”

    Stare looked at her sharply and drew a finger to her beak. She shook her head as she felt Vitruvion's own silence continue on. He was … distant. Perhaps contemplative. Uncertain it seemed and -

    He was rising, calling the meeting to a finish, saying, “We seem to be speaking in simple words now, gentleman. Nothing more than idle chatter. I have things to do. If you excuse me.”

    Stare looked at Pride, saying quickly. “Vitruvion is just coming.”

    Pride swallowed thickly, and her fear that she had hidden away so much was now leaking out of her badly. Her face was a mess of emotion, her posture self-preserving, shaking. Her eyes were pits of complete terror as she clearly had no idea what was going on … no idea.

    Her eyes darted up as the door quickly and quietly opened. Vitruvion came out, sweeping towards them with intent in his eyes. He gave a warning look to Stare week stepped forwards and grabbed Pride by the shoulder.

    “Pride,” she whispered fast and brutal. “Look at me,” the shivering woman swallowed and glanced at her beer uneasily. Stare bore deep into her eyes. “You can't do this now. Don't break now.”

    “We will talk tonight,” came the rich voice appearing at both of their sides. Pride took in a breath and gazed up at the villain in her life she likely thought she would never talk to. His ice blue eyes looked at her with complete seriousness. “That is all. Stare, we must go before raising suspicion, Pride get back to Tanish now, pull yourself together if you want to live. I will send for you.”

    And his hand drew around Stare's shoulder. Grabbing it he pulled her away, dragging her a couple of steps without looking back. Stare threw Pride an apologetic look, and already the door was opening again. Pride gulped breaths, clearly trying to control herself before the inevitable onslaught of voices and eyes. The last thing Stare saw as Vitruvion directed her up the corridor was Pride's wide eyes turning to the door.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  6. #6

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Twenty six hours later she woke up to find she had actually fallen asleep. Once again Desian had come in and unenthusiastically granted Stare food. No communication happened between the two women, just a few looks. Stare then was left to brood for some time, a length of time that she found herself reluctantly relaxing in, until she could fully comprehend what had happened to her. Yes, she was immortal, but she was also … well, immortal. Few ever got the chance to say they could live a thousand lives and suddenly Stare was faced with the reality that her life had only really just begun. Where would she be in fifty years - certainly not dead like she would be in an ordinary kenku's life. A hundred and she might not even be in Beinost. A thousand …?

    Either way she was going to be beside Vitruvion. That he had made very, very clear.

    Indeed, nothing had really changed. Her destiny was still tied to his, it was just longer now. Far, far longer and with no noticeable end. Entangled into his strange fate, balls - one day she might even see other planets.

    She fell asleep thinking about the exotic fantastical adventures. Then, she awoke to find time had passed and the locks on the manacles had opened, releasing her as Vitruvion had ordered them too. For a while she just lay there, a sigh in her throat, gazing around the room and the only wish right now to get back to the mansion and mope there.

    It sounded like a good idea, moping. Thus, after she had stared around the room long enough she swung herself out of the bed. Immediately her body groaned, creaking with aches and strains as it had been forced into an uncomfortable position for so long.

    Inspecting her wrists, she found welts beneath the layer of feathers where the metal had chafed. It was not too bad, nowhere near what she had experienced before, but still painful. And it was the same for her ankles. Bending down was near agony and she found herself hobbling about the room for a while until her muscles remembered what positions they should actually lie in. Her cuff was still on of course, she doubted it would ever leave her wrist ever again, but that side of her existence she had gotten used to. It was actually useful having a deity present in your head sometimes, even when you didn't know he was watching and listening.

    Groaning and stretching she got her body back to a workable form within a good few long minutes. Heading over to the small trunk she kicked it open and was satisfied to find her chainmail, helmet, weapons and two fine tunics within, along with some battered jewelry. It looked like Vitruvion had brought over a few things from the house of hers just in case. Grunting Stare turned away and looked around the room until she spotted an irregularity in the wall, and nodded with satisfaction. After all Ventrua’s room would have to have a bathroom, the woman was so elegant.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  7. #7

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Vitruvion. Whatever you are doing, please stop it and listen to me now. Pause. No answer. Vitruvion, it's actually urgent. She breathed faster, flexing and unflexing her fist. Meanwhile Zulon furrowed his brow at her, uncertain as to what to say or do. My lord, please!

    Use that first next time and I may reply sooner, came the unamused reply. He showed her an image of his face, his eyes looking off away elsewhere. There was another figure, a sort of shadow that was close and Stare was vaguely aware of a conversation happening between the two.

    Fine, then I am sorry, she said hurriedly and a little bitter, But there is a genuine problem currently. And she made it obvious in her mind. She showed flashes of the important sections of her and Zulon’s conversation, then images of her currently striding down the corridor, him in tow. She was heading for the mess hall of his personal guard, mainly to see if there was any possibility any of them had any ideas.

    I know what the issue is perfectly, Vitruvion said calmly, But Rafael is determined to slow his departure. I have let him know I have a meeting to get to, but without being able to explain much of what it is he disbelieves it's importance.

    Stare blinked for a moment, pausing in her step. Behind her Zulon sucked in his breath and came around to her front.

    “Have you managed to contact him?” he was asking hurriedly. “What does he say?”

    The kenku glanced at the human and shook her head before refocusing back into her mind.

    Vitruvion they are gathering now. And a large part of the meeting is to talk about -

    My banishment of Hugin, I know, the god murmured. But I will be there in an hour or so. This conversation is … important.

    Stare grew aware that the one talking to Vitruvion right now - clearly Rafael - was doing so in excited, rushed tones. He was leaning forwards with an animated look on his face, and she could see the intent in his face. They were in a carriage heading … out of the city.

    Vitruvion, so is this meeting. Zulon says that you are key to it. You asked for an early meeting, and to not show up would be -

    Well I cannot order this carriage turn around. Either they wait for an hour … or … well. Ask Zulon. He pretended to listen to Rafael as he concentrated on her, nodding idely.

    Stare groaned. Looking up, Zulon raised his brows. “... Anything?”

    She shook her head hopelessly. “He's with Raf- a foreign noble who was visiting recently. They are in a meeting that is leading him outside of the city. He says they
    need to wait or …” she looked confused. “Or I should 'ask Zulon’.” She glanced at the human. “What does that mean?”

    Zulon paused for a moment, then his eyes suddenly lit up. Lips parting in shock he stared at her for a few long seconds before he suddenly nodded.

    “Of course,” and quickly he was gesturing at her, twisting to start walking away.

    Her brow rose and she looked utterly lost but began to follow, her claws clicking as she did. “What is it Zulon?” she asked, her hand curling around the hilt of her dagger in instinct. “What idea - what did I remind you of.”
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  8. #8

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    “You have to be … Joking.”

    Every single eye was on her.

    Well, she had not expected anything else. There they were, eight brothers of the Hollow, excluding Hugin, his empty seat in the ten thrones a testament. They were arranged in a circle, with the largest chair currently unoccupied also. But one she was pausing at, taking a long, deep breath as she let her eyes scan the room.

    Eight brothers. Many different races. Each lounged in their seats and had behind them two or three personal guards that ultimately fell under the command of Raevin. Before five of them was a girl of some description - each one bound in a different way and waring different amounts of clothing.

    These eyes, those particular dark eyes, Stare tried to avoid as she dropped heavily into the chairman's seat and bore through the unending silence.


    “You have to be … Joking.”

    “Unfortunately Sir Vitruvion Elssmith is currently unavailable,” she addressed the men there, her heart pounding but her mission to not let it enter her voice. Behind her at least she had three of the best fighters, including Zulon who had all proclaimed their loyalty to her through this process. “He has asked me to step in as his representative for now, and of course offers his apologies. He will be here when he is able, and hopes to make part of the meeting.”

    There was a short, unsteady silence. Then, one man, who was pale and clearly a demon - Stare didn't even need to look in the aura - with fire in his eyes and small quills on his head, fixed her with a small and certain smile.

    “You are the same one, right? The girl who …”

    Stare took in a quiet breath and brought her hands to cup them on her lap. This was just another business meeting, she tried to assure herself. Another difficult, vexing meeting that would once again test her abilities as a manager.

    “A year ago I lived here, yes, Lord Tethion,” she replied to the demon, keeping her eye contact on him and her tone of voice steady. Oh yes, she knew about demons and in some way Tethion had always reminded her of Nosdyn, her friend. “Now I work as steward and representative for Sir Elssmith in managerial and other roles.”

    The demon raised his brows and grinned, showing rows of pointed teeth. She pressed the sides of her beak together, biting back a snarky reply, trying to also ignore the absolute astounded glares of the chained woman at his feet.

    “Can I answer any more questions?” she said, “Or may I formally open this meeting?”

    There was a pause. Then an older man whom Stare was sure was called Gravelle leaned in, concern on his face. “How can we know that this is not a ploy? That you have not distracted your master with some harsh trick and mean to cause harm?”
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  9. #9

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Zulon and the other two guards hurried to catch their employer and his treasured possession. Vitruvion's hand remained on her shoulder, a tight hold as he strode forwards in a speed and purpose that she had to push herself into another gear to keep up with. Her hesitancy was great, but his hand was firm as he guided her up the corridor.

    You cannot help her right now, Stare, and neither can I. I cannot even try to start a request to share Pride alongside Tinash, he depends on her greatly. It is up to her.

    But -


    The tightness of his hold on her shoulder intensified and he said nothing until they came to his apartments. She tried to keep following, to keep up with the prestense she was not worried about the woman they had left after she had just shared her greatest secret. He twisted around to the right, and slightly pushed her forwards to get the door, and she unsteadily opened it, trying to make everything smooth. Behind her she could feel the confused looks of Zulon and the other guards as they watched the silent awkward charade between god and kenku.

    The door opened. Stare walked forwards under her own will this time, nodded once to the guard standing at the end of the room. She knew exactly where that led - her old room. Instead she went for the third door in the room and for a moment Vitruvion's grasp left her shoulder. She went to open the door as he turned to the guards and dismissed them lightly. She was halfway through the door when she got into the next room and she stopped, stunned.

    Blaze was curled up, lying on a wooden table under a thin blanket. A chain led from her ankle to the leg of the table and she seemed to be asleep.

    Or it would look so, aside from the fact her eyes were wide open and staring daggers at Stare.

    “Ah,” a voice from behind Stare. Vitruvion paused before sighing and gesturing at a door beyond.

    “In there, Stare. I will be a few minutes.”

    Stare’s heart raced. She kept eye contact with Blaze, whom she now knew hated her with all her guts, then ducked her head and continued on. Quickly she headed through the door Vitruvion had indicated, as Blaze began to sit up and the god began to speak.

    “Zulon …”

    Stare went into the next room before she could hear anymore. Personally she had had enough. Her brother back from the dead. Immortality two days ago. Leading the bloody brotherhood council. Now Pride. Perhaps Pride had just been waiting for a long time to be able to say, and meeting her brother was directly connected to immortality. The timing though, the amount of emotions she had endured. Her life had changed so suddenly before her and she had so little ability to control it anymore.

    Seeing Blaze there had not helped either.

    Before her was a pair of rooms that had once been two very different bedrooms, one for pleasure and one for pain. Now the sumptuous, luxury feather bed one remained, and it's partner converted into a small reception area. Three good armchairs occupied much of the space and Stare found herself very willingly falling into one.

    Truly she needed a friend right now. Someone to hold her and comfort her. Stare had felt the possibility of a spark with Pride, but that had only just begun. Nevin and Nosdyn were the two friends she could think of right now who could give a hug and understand. Raevin she could talk to, but he was in another country. Mer … was a like of jealousy these days. Vitruvion. Bah, he was her god and though he was the closest physical contact she ever got, he was not a comforter. Not a heart to reach out and be pitiful. After all, he had caused a lot of her pain in her life.

    He had not even told her she was immortal. But waited until she died to let her find out.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  10. #10

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
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    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    “It's your fault, partly,” she whispered, feeling his strong heartbeat beneath her head.

    He grunted, and lifted her partly as he readjusted to relax better into the pillows. “It usually is with you. I am in your head most of the time so I'm used to seeing fairly regular negative reviews of myself.”

    “Yet still you want me around for the rest of eternity?” she questioned. “You don't make sense sometime Vitruvion.”

    “I make sense to myself, my dear, and that is all that matters really.” He took a long breath in, and began to fiddle with one of her feathers, examining the way the fibres lined. “I told you I am a selfish being, and that includes you most of all. It took few months for me to figure out that you are my most treasured possession, but there it is.”

    “Thank you,” she flatly said, eyes finally glancing up to meet his, “For comparing me to your wine. Or a chair.”

    His lips lifted into a smirking smile. “I think we both know I consider you worth more than a chair.

    Her brow raised, and she looked at him with an unamused look in her eye before grunting. She looked away again and huffed before she nudged at his arm a little that wrapped around her torso. Gently he tightened his grip and settled his other arm around her.

    “You are tired, emotionally and mentally. It has drained your energy,” he concluded after a short deductive moment. “You should sleep before we speak further of Pride. Or what I need you to do now.”

    She twisted her head slightly up, avoiding his face carefully with her beak.

    “What you … need me to do now?”

    Vitruvion waved a hand dismissively, with a sigh once more. Then his hand fell back down to rest on her shoulder. “I have a task for you that may take a few days. But worry that for later.”

    Her eyes stared at him, “A few days?”

    “Our current lives never stop, my dear. We are on the edge of war, in fact with your brother's appearance I would say one has been declared.”

    War. With his half-brother who had her brother as an undead. Sibling against sibling, battle of the unwilling versus the protector.

    She instinctively flinched and tensed, her legs pulling up towards her body. A sharp breath arose and his arms were there, pulling her yet closer to him.

    “Sleep, for now,” he murmured. “You are no used to me, your master and god, in the state that you are.”

    “Bastard,” she mumbled back to him, her eyes slipping closed.

    “Bitch,” he agreed. “My foul-mouthed, belligerent, incorrigible, disobedient, disappointing, distrusting …”

    “Mmm,” she agreed, slipping into exhaustion.
    “Idiot at times, reluctant, rude …”

    “Thanks,” came the sleepy whisper.

    “Workaholic, exhausted, eternal …”

    She was hardly listening now as she drifted into sleeping world.

    “Precious,” he whispered, in a foreign tongue she did not know, gazing down at her. “Beautiful. Unique. And mine, all mine.”
    Last edited by Stare; 12-18-2017 at 04:53 AM.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

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