Zulon and the other two guards hurried to catch their employer and his treasured possession. Vitruvion's hand remained on her shoulder, a tight hold as he strode forwards in a speed and purpose that she had to push herself into another gear to keep up with. Her hesitancy was great, but his hand was firm as he guided her up the corridor.

You cannot help her right now, Stare, and neither can I. I cannot even try to start a request to share Pride alongside Tinash, he depends on her greatly. It is up to her.

But -


The tightness of his hold on her shoulder intensified and he said nothing until they came to his apartments. She tried to keep following, to keep up with the prestense she was not worried about the woman they had left after she had just shared her greatest secret. He twisted around to the right, and slightly pushed her forwards to get the door, and she unsteadily opened it, trying to make everything smooth. Behind her she could feel the confused looks of Zulon and the other guards as they watched the silent awkward charade between god and kenku.

The door opened. Stare walked forwards under her own will this time, nodded once to the guard standing at the end of the room. She knew exactly where that led - her old room. Instead she went for the third door in the room and for a moment Vitruvion's grasp left her shoulder. She went to open the door as he turned to the guards and dismissed them lightly. She was halfway through the door when she got into the next room and she stopped, stunned.

Blaze was curled up, lying on a wooden table under a thin blanket. A chain led from her ankle to the leg of the table and she seemed to be asleep.

Or it would look so, aside from the fact her eyes were wide open and staring daggers at Stare.

“Ah,” a voice from behind Stare. Vitruvion paused before sighing and gesturing at a door beyond.

“In there, Stare. I will be a few minutes.”

Stare’s heart raced. She kept eye contact with Blaze, whom she now knew hated her with all her guts, then ducked her head and continued on. Quickly she headed through the door Vitruvion had indicated, as Blaze began to sit up and the god began to speak.

“Zulon …”

Stare went into the next room before she could hear anymore. Personally she had had enough. Her brother back from the dead. Immortality two days ago. Leading the bloody brotherhood council. Now Pride. Perhaps Pride had just been waiting for a long time to be able to say, and meeting her brother was directly connected to immortality. The timing though, the amount of emotions she had endured. Her life had changed so suddenly before her and she had so little ability to control it anymore.

Seeing Blaze there had not helped either.

Before her was a pair of rooms that had once been two very different bedrooms, one for pleasure and one for pain. Now the sumptuous, luxury feather bed one remained, and it's partner converted into a small reception area. Three good armchairs occupied much of the space and Stare found herself very willingly falling into one.

Truly she needed a friend right now. Someone to hold her and comfort her. Stare had felt the possibility of a spark with Pride, but that had only just begun. Nevin and Nosdyn were the two friends she could think of right now who could give a hug and understand. Raevin she could talk to, but he was in another country. Mer … was a like of jealousy these days. Vitruvion. Bah, he was her god and though he was the closest physical contact she ever got, he was not a comforter. Not a heart to reach out and be pitiful. After all, he had caused a lot of her pain in her life.

He had not even told her she was immortal. But waited until she died to let her find out.