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  1. #1

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    It was much later. Dinner had passed, and Guilia had disappeared already, gone for a short while to see to Rafael's needs. Stare found herself without anything to do, and the kitchen was slightly struggling with the extra organisation of the more formal meal than normal. Thus, after Stare heard enough whispers and heightened shouts she grunted and heaved herself to her feet.

    Walking through to the kitchen she found a mound of dishes - far more than if Vitruvion was just eating himself. The kitchen was set out into two sections of a main room, then a small intense coming area around a corner, hidden right now from view. Currently all of the kitchen staff however - Mrs Deerling, the cook, Charlie, the kitchen maid and Timmin, the pot boy - along with Druss were hurriedly arguing about the workload and how they were going to handle organisation across the coming few days.

    “I can't possibly be expected to cook three full luxury meals a day!” Mrs Deerling was saying, “The visitor - he barely liked anything. Charlie had to come down three times - three! - for personalised requests.”

    “He's awfully fussy,” the boy said, scratching his arse, “He didn't want that gravy, then he wanted to know if we had grainy bread. Then it wasn't the right wine.”

    “We either need more staff or need to cook less,” Charlie grunted, her arms folded across her chest. “It's only the first day but it's going to get out of hand.”

    Stare let out a sigh and stayed in the doorway before a full minute passed, and they did not notice her. Still, they spoke over each other and Druss mumbled, trying to calm them down. But …

    Nothing. Rolling her eyes she gathered up what short sleeves she had and headed right for the washing tub. It was already running with water, and had a large pile of items in it, but an amount that wouldn't be useful for any sort of cleaning of them. Without any room on the worktops nearby she ended up shoving them on the floor with a loud clatter.

    Quiet fell as the noise finally caught the attention of the arguing staff.

    “Druss, I suggest you send Agathe or Kira over to Lady Heysan’s place and see if we can borrow one of their staff as extra until the Maester leaves.”

    There was a pause before:

    “Miss Stare!” The butler gasped, “You shouldn't be doing that!”

    Stare grunted and grabbed her first plate and scrubbing brush. “Charlie, if you could dry, Timmin organise the things needed to be washed. Mrs Deerling, why don't you take time to write a more simple menu for the next few days, using what ingredients you have.”

    Voices began again.

    “But Miss …”

    “Miss Stare, you honestly shouldn't-”

    “No way, my menu is certainly fine as it is-”

    “For Ansaldo's balls sake!” Stare shouted, twisting around to glare to each of them. “You arguing is simply making the problem worse. Now, my suggestions are just those - suggestions, but if you want to get anything done over the next few days then I would suggest helping me. Please.”

    Surely, but not responding to any particular emotion just yet, she stared from one to the other. They looked back at her in wordlessness … then to each other. Back to her again. Then to one another. It took Druss to break the cycle and nod to Stare.

    “I will take the fastest horse I can, Miss.”

    On that Timmin and Charlie sucked in their breath and moved quickly to respond to Stare's instruction. It left Mrs Deerling to watch all with uncertainty.

    But the kitchen was already in full motion. With a sigh the cook grabbed her meal planner book from the worktop and turned to slunk back into the mess.

    The kitchen was cleaned that night and all the other times. With help from Marjie, a loaned kitchen girl from Lady Heysan's - aka Vitruvion's sister Ventrua - they had no more trouble for the rest of the time Maester Rafael was there. Stare was able to continue with her normal duties, and called upon by Druss to settle any further disputes.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

  2. #2

    EXP: 59,606, Level: 10
    Level completed: 51%, EXP required for next Level: 5,394
    Level completed: 51%,
    EXP required for next Level: 5,394

    Stare's Avatar


    Avis Tsakaka
    Kenku / Tengu
    Shit, she realised.

    And she froze, eyes huge, breath sparing. She drew her beak shut as her heart began to pound and she took a minute step back. His anger was plain - dire, almost cruel and for a moment she was Avis in the Hollow again, fearing for her life of this god who threatened to strike her down.

    A slow grunt formed in his throat.

    “Better,” he said, his voice still not confessing his mood. “Now. Shut up, and go over there,” he nodded to the window seat. “You can sleep on it rather than here.”

    It made her stare, beak opening. “I … what? Why?”

    “I am clearly too lenient on you, Stare,” he hissed, his tone switching unexpectedly to match his mood. “You should respect me more. I'm not just your master, I'm your-”

    “God. Yes I know,” she answered, eyes large and pressing herself against the wall. When he was this angry before he has let it out physically on her. But that had been in the Hollow, in a world where he did that anyway. Now that she was here, and he was too, rather than with Blaze or Sable, she was dangerously close to being subject to something she never wanted to experience again.

    That he had promised she would never be subject to him by his hand. He had never broken a promise that he had given her yet, but that still did not mean that he would not punish her in other ways.

    Simply, now, she had to try to avoid angering him more.

    “Go and sleep,” he ordered, pointing back over to the bay window seat. It was cushioned, by her hands, and thus gave some comfort, yet not as much as the bed.

    Stare swallowed, remembering the last time she had tried to go against a direct order. He had reminded her of the pain of a slap and sent her away from him, never revealing what was actually on his mind.


    What was wrong with him? By the look in his eyes, however, he would not actually tell her. He had likely come here, expecting her to be more quiet, and not tired or grumpy from that exhaustion. He had likely wanted something to quell his bad mood and her companionship could be described as more comforting than a night by himself, fuming in his own fury.

    But she had made it worse by her terrible choice of words, and now he was deeming her not even worthy of the bed.

    “Are you even listening to me?” he spat.

    Sucking in her breath Stare lowered her eyes and turned away from the wall. Knowing there was very little choice in the matter at all she hurried over to her cabinet where she stripped herself of all her weapons. Pausing, she considered taking off her fine tunic, then realised she might need it for the next day and so dragged it off over her head. Now in her underclothes she grabbed a softer tunic and pulled it on before glancing over the bed and the blanket that was there over the duvet other than that there was only the throw on the bay window seat.

    “And that will do,” he growled, grabbing the blanket himself and pulling it over his legs.

    Stare flinched, feeling the results of emotional manipulation. But this was Vitruvion, the old one whom she had first met. This was he, the raging fury and the anger that lived. This was the man so possessive in temperament that he had literally bought her.

    Swallowing, she shut up and scrambled over to the window seat. Picking up the throw she climbed onto the window seat and curled up on it, tight and slightly shaking. She pulled up the throw to her beak and hunkered down on the simply padded sofa-like thing and curled into a tight foetal position.

    “Hmm,” came the more satisfied grunt. So different was he than in the blue room. But that was Vitruvion, two sided, subject to mood changes. Thankful for her, yet irritated by her.

    Never feeling love for her like Nevin had said, when he saw their relationship in his mind.

    “Good night, Stare,” he said, calmer.

    “Good night, my lord,” she whispered.
    Last edited by Stare; 12-12-2017 at 03:56 PM.
    Crows: Old nursery rhyme "One for sorrow, Two for mirth, Three for a funeral, Four for birth, Five for heaven, Six for hell, Seven for the devil, his own self."

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