Twenty six hours later she woke up to find she had actually fallen asleep. Once again Desian had come in and unenthusiastically granted Stare food. No communication happened between the two women, just a few looks. Stare then was left to brood for some time, a length of time that she found herself reluctantly relaxing in, until she could fully comprehend what had happened to her. Yes, she was immortal, but she was also … well, immortal. Few ever got the chance to say they could live a thousand lives and suddenly Stare was faced with the reality that her life had only really just begun. Where would she be in fifty years - certainly not dead like she would be in an ordinary kenku's life. A hundred and she might not even be in Beinost. A thousand …?

Either way she was going to be beside Vitruvion. That he had made very, very clear.

Indeed, nothing had really changed. Her destiny was still tied to his, it was just longer now. Far, far longer and with no noticeable end. Entangled into his strange fate, balls - one day she might even see other planets.

She fell asleep thinking about the exotic fantastical adventures. Then, she awoke to find time had passed and the locks on the manacles had opened, releasing her as Vitruvion had ordered them too. For a while she just lay there, a sigh in her throat, gazing around the room and the only wish right now to get back to the mansion and mope there.

It sounded like a good idea, moping. Thus, after she had stared around the room long enough she swung herself out of the bed. Immediately her body groaned, creaking with aches and strains as it had been forced into an uncomfortable position for so long.

Inspecting her wrists, she found welts beneath the layer of feathers where the metal had chafed. It was not too bad, nowhere near what she had experienced before, but still painful. And it was the same for her ankles. Bending down was near agony and she found herself hobbling about the room for a while until her muscles remembered what positions they should actually lie in. Her cuff was still on of course, she doubted it would ever leave her wrist ever again, but that side of her existence she had gotten used to. It was actually useful having a deity present in your head sometimes, even when you didn't know he was watching and listening.

Groaning and stretching she got her body back to a workable form within a good few long minutes. Heading over to the small trunk she kicked it open and was satisfied to find her chainmail, helmet, weapons and two fine tunics within, along with some battered jewelry. It looked like Vitruvion had brought over a few things from the house of hers just in case. Grunting Stare turned away and looked around the room until she spotted an irregularity in the wall, and nodded with satisfaction. After all Ventrua’s room would have to have a bathroom, the woman was so elegant.