She was there for more than a few minutes. By the time that the door opened she was entirely curled up on the sofa, the throw on the back it brought down to cover herself as a blanket. Where she was - she didn't care anymore. Yes she had moped much already about damned immortality but she was prepared to do much, much more of it.

After all she had eternity to do so.

She heard a gentle sigh. Much calmer than the forced march he had put her through - though that admittedly was for Pride's safety more than anything. She did not look up but rather remained where she was, curled up and eyes half closed, gaze aimed at the arm of the chair. There were no words, only a minute that passed as he looked at her.

Then she heard a gentle click as somewhere a door was locked. Then hands moved, sliding under her foetal form and taking her into his hold. She was steadily lifted up, and in all honesty she felt like struggling out of it, but she did not. He was at fault after all for some of her low mood, and he knew it - but this was all the comfort she was going to get for now. Like it or not, Vitruvion had some care towards her, he had shown it plenty of times. Those strong arms lifted her up into the air, adjusted his hold a couple of inches before he had her steady, then he pulled her lightly to his chest. Without another word he held her close for a moment, then softly turned and started through into the next room.

The bed. A good one, if memory was anything. A few footsteps took him across it, and then he paused at it. She eyed down at it, waiting for it to come and meet her, when …

He seemed to curse lightly in some language she did not know. Then he himself moved, and taking her with him kicked off his boots in some magical unravelling of the buckles. Twisting he sat down on the bed, then twisted to lounge back, angling up his legs to be on the bed itself. Her, he released only one half of, letting her legs sprawl as he rolled her head onto his chest. For a moment she lay on him, stunned at his actions, eyes wide open now. Then she moved just slightly, edging to get all the way off him.

He smoothly brought up his free arm, blocking her way.

“Stare, you just spent a twenty minutes musing of how comforting physical contact would be currently. Considerations of who I am to you aside, this is the best I can give you in the conditions.”

Coming to a halt she gazed at the arm, a thick knot in her throat. So he was, quite simply, just trying to be nice. He paused for a moment, the dragged the arm towards her, scooping her up with it and with a heavy tug dragged her further back onto him.