“Eteri, I made us some tea.”

Her blue ears swiveled on her head as she heard the words. Eteri wasn’t one for drinking tea, but she was one for sweet things and Nevin always managed to make her things that tasted just right.

She came bounding in with nothing more than a very loose shirt and a pair of black underwear which contrasted with the milky skin of her upper thighs. Even now she seemed blissfully unaware of just what such a sight did to Nevin.

“Tea? Is sweet?” She asked. Nevin nodded as he handed her the cup. “Drink up.” Eteri knew that on occasion Nevin would slip things into her drink. He wasn’t a monster, he had asked her permission before hand and gave her strict instructions to tell him if she wanted nothing that day. Sometimes, it’d be something that’d make her sleepy, other times it’d make her feel more focused… always harmless. So today, Eteri assumed it’d be like any other. She stared suspiciously at the contents but saw nothing more than a few crushed rose petals.

She drank down the overly sweet drink and licked her lips. A thin trail of pink translucent liquid traveled from the corner of her lip down to her chin. Eteri wiped it away with the back of her hand. “Thanking.”

Nevin smiled gently at her, his eyes watching her face. “Eh? Got more?” Eteri wiped her face in an attempt to get whatever was on it off of her.

Nevin shook his head. “You’re fine honey. Here…” He reached out and drew Eteri in for a hug. She reciprocated, being painfully aware of the cup and how she did not want to break it. “Eteri feels hugs.”

HIs gentle voice tickled her ear. “Do you mean ‘I love hugs?”

She nodded, understanding the correction. “I love Nevin hugs.” She felt him laugh into her neck and squeeze her tighter. She gave a small eep and nearly dropped the cup. Eter pulled away pouting. “Nearly make drop!”

“Ah...sorry, be a dear and put it in the sink then would you?” Eteri groaned but did as he asked. She disappeared into the kitchen and returned moments later, lazily scratching the side of her arm. It seemed to have no effect on her yet. Still, it had only been a few minutes.

“I have the day off today. I was thinking we go out for a walk.”

Eteri groaned, “B-but just took off clothes!” She didn’t want to have to go and put them back on after all that. Nevin stood and cupped her face in his large calloused hands, forcing it up to look at him. “For me?” Eteri felt a heat rise to her cheeks and she squirmed in his grasp. “Y-yeh...but next time we get the sleep ins!”

Nevin laughed and scooted her off to go change. Eteri shifted back into the bedroom and staretd sifting through piles of clothes. UGH clothes… She never knew what to wear. She found a very simple red dress. Short sleeves, a circle collar...and a neat little hole she cut out to pop her tail through. Eteri threw it on and it hung just above her knees. “There!” Eteri said with a nod. She hadn’t seen herself in the mirror but she assumed she had it on right.

Even if it did feel… a little...tight…

Feeling constricted Eteri wandered back into the kitchen, tugging at the collar. “Feel hot…” She mumbled.

Nevin’s eyes seemed to twinkle. “That happens when you go so long wearing nothing. Come… He held his hand out for her and lead her outside. Locking the shop up once more. It seemed to be a success. As Nevn took Eteri down the path he shifted his hand down to her waist. Eteri felt a familiar heated sensation rise up from his touch and she shuffled her legs.She mumbled and shifted her gaze downward. No this wasn’t right. She wasn’t in heat. That was a number of weeks...more close to a month away. Still… she did get those dizzy feelings when he touched her and they did enjoy a few nights dotted throughout the week. “Ummah…”

His grip tightened and he sounded almost amused. “Yes?”

“Is hot…”

“Well Honey, you are wearing red.” He paused to wave at a passerby. “Don’t squirm so much we’re in public.” He stopped for a moment and his hand slid gently down the round of her ass to her upper thigh before tracing back up to her waist. “You don’t want people talking now do you?”

Eteri jumped at the touch.

Whilst it wasn’t in full effect, it was slowly kicking in.