“Good….Good…” his voice droned on in a low rumble as Stefan tugged on the chain. “I must admit pet, you are by far the most obstinate one I’ve had yet. You still fight it’s sway over your mind.” He paused as he turned to stand in front of Eteri. Her dull eyes stared back up at him. “I wonder if it’s you… or if its your species… I’ll have to play with a few more of your kind to test this theory. Tell me. Do you know of any others close by?”

“Big sister Ayaka. Will come back in few weeks.” Eteri responded. Her brain was so fogged up, so heavy that the only thing she could really focus on was the man before her. It made it easier to listen to him and to answer his questions.

“Excellent. When she comes I’ll use you to get her to me. Then she’ll be mine too.” Stefan sat down on a bench outside a general store. People flittered in and out, every so often throwing concerning looks toward the two. When Stefan found someone, most tried to ignore it. It was better that way, those who got involved often ended up ‘missing’.The controlling man waited, and a few minutes later - someone came out of the general store. A flighty boy no older than 16 with freckles and ginger hair handed the man a small saucer and a quart of milk. “H-here, sir!”

“Thank you.” Stefan smiled then pulled two coins from his pocket and placed it into the hands of the youth. “Such a pleasure Tim. Stay there a moment if you will…” The boy did not want to stay there. His entire body language made it look as though he wanted to run right the hell away. Still his feet stayed planted firmly in the ground.

Stefan dropped the saucer to the floor and splashed a small amount of milk into it. “Go on pet. Drink.” She leaned forward and done so. The man tousled her hair. “Isn’t that cute? Just like a real cat.”

“I-if you say so sir.” Tim muttered turning away from the scene.

“Want to see more tricks?”

“Not really. I need to-ah.go…”

Stefan waved the thought off dismissively. “No. Stay.” His voice turned dark and the word sent a chill through Tim’s spine, despite his protests. “Better yet.”

Stefan stood, holding his arms out wide. “Ah, it seems we have a bit of a crowd. Be a dear and greet them my pet.”

Eteri’s body shook. Trying to ignore his words but his voice and the command he had over her. She was helpless. The catgirl leaned up, still on her knees and mewled softly. “Good girl...good girl…” Stefan complimented her as he ran his hands through her hair, throwing himself back down onto the bench.

“Don’t be shy, don’t be shy. She may not be for sale, but you can have a closer look. We don’t mind.”

Eteri….was so tired of fighting. So very tired. Wouldn’t it be easier to just give in? The pats were nice, he hadn’t treated her with any ill-will. He hadn’t forced himself onto her or anything of the sort. So was this...really that bad?

The catgirls body slumped and Stefan had to pull her up using the chain. His free hand caught her. “Careful, pet.” His eyes watched her carefully as she slowly sat up. Blinking. Stefan’s lips turned into a malicious smile as he saw the familiar look in her eyes. She had given up, and her will had finally been broken. The lull of the dark magic that the insidious amulet held was far too great for her.

“Ah! Am sorry.” She turned to Stefan with an airt smile. “Am the good Master.”

“Yes...yes you are. It’s good to see you’ve finally stopped fighting.” He mused as his hand shifted downward to trace her chin. “Do you feel better? Now? Doesn’t it feel nice just to give in like that?”

“Yes.” Eteri exclaimed, and it was true. She felt a little lighter and a strange tingling sense of enjoyment filled her entire being. “Am happy with you Master.”

“And so, let’s show the world just what you have to offer shall we?” He asked. Eteri nodded.