Blood trickled down off the tips of Ioder’s twin blades, it formed the blackest of puddles at the Half-elf’s feet. Nosdyn had managed to mitigate most of the damage he took from Ioder’s last attack saving his life. The half-elf was honestly astonished but ultimately realized his mistake, it was already bright in the arena and his strobe light attack didn’t alter it by much. Through the tiny slits of his Oni mask Ioder watched as the demon returned to his feet muttering his last words.

“Im sorry,” Ioder said condescendingly to the demon. Ioder’s sense of dread had all but left him at this point. He began to chuckle inaudibly though his armor as Nosdyn addressed him. “But from the look of your back, I doubt you’ll last another minute against me.” Little did the demon know that Ioder was struggling, the heat had begun to take its toll. Sweat ran down his face and all over his body as the hot airs of the arena started to basically cook his body alive in the armor.

He weighed his options and decided that it would kill him sooner if he continued to dawn his faded armor. Thus in an instant and by his will alone the dark twisted metal covering his form once again turned to dark ash around him. He clearly was drained and the leathers he wore were now drenched in blood and sweat. He stood in a way favoring his left side opposite his wound, he wasn’t the tank of a man stood before him. The cloud of ash that was his armor stayed in place as a haze around him acting as a powerful magical ward. It would defend any attack thrown at it with the strength a steel automatically allowing Ioder to deliver his final blow.

“If you’re so sure about surviving,” he taunted the demon. “Let’s end this now with a single clash!” Ioder yelled as he began running at the demon with both swords at the ready.