A massive pot had bubbling black liquid boiling under a stove. As steam swirled through the air, Felicity (who had goggles on for protection) stirred the creation with a giant, wooden spoon.

A smirk crossed her face as she pulled up a bag and dumped a dissolving powder into the mix. She stirred it more, her eyes wide with anticipation.

"Almost done..."

She stirred more, pulling out a bowl of a crushed, dark brown substance and dunking it in.

"Just need to stir it and wait for it to be completed..."

She merrily hummed as she went through with that. The dark brown liquid was stirred and whirled in the giant pot. Finally, she took out a ladle and started to pour the finished result into a pot.

After filling it up all the way, she smirked, "Oh, I can't wait!

She slapped a label which said Hot Chocolate onto the pot and walked over to a table set with a coffee mug.