The teen was practically vibrating in her seat as she rattled things off to Nevin while he casually wandered the isles. She seemed so excited to be doing this that Nevin felt a little bad that it seemed like she didn't really have any customers. Of course, he couldn't quite fault that - Oakwood didn't seem to have the biggest need of constantly on hand alchemy products, they probably saw their highest turnaround on simpler things like - yes, like headache medicines,
he thought, as he turned to grin at the girl.

This then, was the problem with leaving a younger person behind to watch the shop without giving them things to actually do. It was fine to let them be if they had casual brewing projects to keep their attention occupied, but if they didn't,
well, this would happen. Felicity was twitching in her seat, her hands darting about as she tried to bleed off some of her energy - or, she was somewhat like a cat, and moved a bit erratically when she was happy. He was curious which was the case,
or if she was even aware that she was doing it. He leaned against the counter and smiled at her, shaking his head slightly.

"Well, I'll tell you what. I think I will buy some headache medicine from you, Felicity. But!" He raised one long, slender finger into the air. He reached it out and poked her on the tip of her nose. "But, I want it to be fresh brewed by you. I want to see where you're standing at in terms of progress. How about it? Care for a little challenge?" The male redheaded alchemist gave a grin, knowing full well that if she was anything like he thought she was, the little ragechild would not be able to
resist the urge to take on the challenge.