The moment a challenge was even hinted, Felicity was ready for it. A confident smirk crossed her face. Raring to go, her fist came down on the table, "Just watch me!"

She immediately raced to the back. She only half paid attention to the surroundings of the cluttered room she knew well. She only got the ingredients and supplies she needed. She burst out if the swinging doors again before neatly organizing everything. She laid out the ingredients to her right, the equipment to her left. While a cocky energy was still exploding like fireworks in her eyes, her face was now serious and focused. After properly placing everything in the respective places, she pulled out clean gloves and slipped them on her hands. From there on out, she picked up a set of small, crooked brown roots.

"This is mooseroot. Found in Raiaera, it has been known to help ease pain on a magical level for a millennia. During the Rise Against Ignorance, experiments were done by the predecessors of today's New Elves. As it turned out, this root has a magical chemical that numbs the TRPV-1 receptors. In concentrated doses it can completely block it for a short time, but that high of a concentration can be dangerous for those with high blood pressure. This is why the more advanced variation of this potion is served behind the counter..."

As she spoke, she already was taking the needed roots and crushing them. As the precious juice spilled out, it was properly drained into a wooden bowl below the crushing equipment.

She continued to work; explaining each and every origin of every ingredient...