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Thread: Igni Ferroque

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    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Well, the girl certainly wanted to help others, that much was certain. She'd barely come up from the lab when she rushed out of the back to rewrap the man's wounds. Nevin passed her the bandages when she asked for them, and let her tend to the injury while Nevin focused on talking with the spokesman.

    "So you say something stirred in response to what you lot were doing. Can you describe it at all?" The men shifted, looking nervously at each other. "I'll help, but I need to know anything you might have figured out."..

    "It were big, and fast. Covered in sharp bits, it were. Black skin, but had these purpley rocks, almost like it were made of dirt and the any-thistles." Any-thistles? Did he mean amythests? "We thunk it were slow, cuz it were so big, but then when it attacked it was fast, like a person." Nevin took a deep breath, and drummed his fingers against his arm. So, a golem then. One with flesh and gems embedded in that flesh.

    Then Felicity came over, asking what they needed help with. The miner looked at the young girl, then to Nevin with a tilt of his head. "Alchemist, is the sprog yours?" Nevin blinked. Looked to Felicity. Blinked again. Back to the miner. Then he slowly shook his head, and rested his hand on the fiery girl's shoulder.

    "She is not my blood, no. More like... Hm." He studied Felicity for a moment then turned his gaze back to the miner. "More like a little sister perhaps. I don't think I'm old enough to be the father of someone her age." He let out a soft chuckle before explaining to Felicity.

    "There is a particularly onerous mining group operating in some of the mine shafts. It seems the owner's drive for wealth has resulted in the men accidentally waking something up, and they need my help in quelling it." the miner nodded, confirming the man's words. Nevin sighed.

    "I will help, Jedidiah. Go, make sure the mines are clear. The more worked up this thing is, the worse the fight will be when I get there." The miners nodded, and Jedidiah, the spokesman, lead them out of the store. Nevin heaved a deep sigh.

    "I'm sorry Felicity. I intended for us to go have a light spar to see how well the medicine is holding up, but it looks like this takes a higher priority at the moment." He frowned, apologetic.
    Last edited by Nevin; 12-11-2017 at 09:13 PM.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

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