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Thread: Dravin Emery

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  1. #1
    Junior Member

    Aegis_X's Avatar


    Aerese Alanis

    Dravin Emery

    Name: Dravin Emery
    Age: 18
    Race: Humanoid
    Height: 5’11
    Weight: 135lbs
    Eye Color: Green
    Hair Color: Black
    Occupation: Thief

    Personality: Tiny by all sense of the word, Dravin is particularly aware of his short comings in battle. He shy’s away from fights at just about all costs, even though he knows how to handle a blade. His blade handling is more of a stab in the back and rob you blind kind of sword play. Conceited and full of himself, he is overly boastful and has found himself in many a troubled situation from his lack of restraint of his tongue.

    Appearance: Dravin traditionally wears a black cowl, matched by his dark clothes underneath. His skin is marked by tattoos that cover his body. His thin frame makes him look more like a skeleton than anything else. His green eyes almost glow at night in sharp contrast to his dark almost black hair. The only thing to his name is a dragon pendant he wears close to his heart.


    The child of the city they called him. A boy no more than 6 years old. Sickly looking and covered in markings. No one knew where he came from, or if he had parents. Just another face in the crowd.

    “Hey, get back here! Bring that back!” A small boy quickly darted in and out of the regular city drabble, apple in hand. The footsteps of the guards, and clamoring of their armor noisily soared through the air. The young boy laughed as he ran, they couldn’t catch him, they were too big, and couldn’t move like he could. Down the alley, over the barely standing fence, and down the stairs he was home free, or so he thought.

    The boy laughing and not realizing where he was going, ran smack dab into the captain of the guard of this section of the city. It was like hitting a wall, and the boy flew back from the impact. “Got you now boy! They ought to cut your hands off! Luckily the magistrate takes kindly to your situation!”

    “Damn it… How’d you get here so fast.” The boy slowly picked himself up off the ground. The apple had fallen underneath of him and exploded when he landed on top of it. Not only was he caught but now he was also hungry.

    “You’re not as smart as you think boy, don’t run or I’ll have to hurt you like last time.” They pain in the back of his head where the guard hit him last was still present even though it happened just over a week ago. He had stolen some bread that time. Didn’t they understand he was just hungry? They didn’t really care. They tried to act like they cared but all they did was ship him to some mean old ladies that beat his knuckle when he cursed, or talked out of line, or pretty much anything that the young boy considered fun.

    Not wanting to test the captain’s resolve, the boy simply folded his arms and allowed the giant man to lead him away to the cells for common criminals. “You know Dravin, if you simply stayed at the orphanage you wouldn’t have to steal for food, or you know maybe try to find an apprenticeship to at least make a little money. There’s gotta’ be something you’re good at.” That made Dravin collapse even more on himself and he looked more like a toddler than a young boy. They didn’t understand. It was less about being hungry, stealing was exciting.

    What confused the captain the most, is that for his lack of discretion aside, Dravin was a particularly skilled thief, he just wasn’t smart enough yet to not rob the same place every day at the same time. He would never be spotted the first several days, but after a while shop owners would notice the boy that hovered over their wares and never paid. Yet, Dravin was yet apart of any gang, guild, or combination thereof. The captain just didn’t get it.

    His body frail, thin and covered in strange markings. No one knew if he was diseased, or where the markings had come from. Where did he belong? Who was this boy’s master?

    As Dravin grew, night became his friend. It was easier to move at night, easier to blend in when no one could see the marks on his skin. As he grew he began to feel a pull through his entire body, something trying to get out or move. The feeling was odd, and Dravin couldn’t put in to words exactly how it felt. It wasn’t pain or pleasure, more like a restlessness, but a patient restlessness.

    Dravin studied the alleys and streets, and learned the quickest and fastest ways between marks. He learned and tested the guards’ routes through the cities to move around the curfews. As the years passed Dravin learned the tattoos were a source of magic for him. Circuits that allowed the very magic he could wield to enhance his own body to a small degree.

    “What side of the city are you from boy?” A gruff voice pulled Dravin from his thoughts. A giant man with glittering gold teeth smiled down at him predatorily. Dravin tried to step back but forgot where he was as he backed into the wall behind him. The man was a low-level thug he could tell, but hired muscle made to roam the cities and prey on people that got lost and rob them blind if not killing them in the process.

    “I… I’m from no-where, I don’t belong anywhere and no one can claim me.” Dravin sounded frightened as his legs practically clattered together nearly breaking from fear. The giant man seemed to get more sinister.

    “Then no one will miss you.” Fear shook Dravin and his tattoos along his leg shown with a bright white light. Not even realizing he turned to the side and literally kicked up dust. The first step caught him off guard as he seemed to be flying at first. His feet connected to the ground again and again he saw the ground beneath him shudder and disappear in a blur of grass, dirt, and stone. Dravin continued to run, but stopped as he realized he was no longer leaping like he was before. His legs burned a little, he turned back and saw the man nearly twenty feet away in shock and awe at the escape he just witnessed. Dravin realizing he won this encounter simply waved and dipped into the closest dark alley.

    No one saw him. They no longer called him the child of the city, he was now the ghost of the city.

    Dravin was an adult now, he never filled out, he never grew up. He was small and frail, and made perfect for living in the shadows. He had learned the city, he didn’t belong to the city anymore, the city belonged to him. He took from it whatever he needed. He didn’t exist, he was never there. Not to the people of the city, but the city itself knew him, provided for him and cared for him, and that’s all he needed.

    Skills/Unique Attributes:

    Magic Circuits: The tattoos across his entire body allow for him to focus his magic into certain areas of his body to enhance his performance temporarily. So far he has only been able to successfully Enhance his legs in speed and a jumping. (See abilities)

    Pickpocketing: While never having been trained by a professional thief, Dravin has learned through trial and error. While unrefined with his technique, he employs a more distract then grab approach, often times blatantly running into someone and while confusingly falling, grabs into the pocket.

    Low Level Stealth: With a basic understanding that it’s harder to see black in the dark, Dravin uses the lack light at night and his dark clothes to move without being seen.


    Enhanced Speed:
    Through use of the magical circuits, Dravin generates a considerable amount of downward force on the initial steps of running effectively propelling him forward at about ten times of what would be considered normal. As this is more for the initial take off, Dravin has yet to learn how to maintain that speed and cannot force his body to maintain that speed past 2 full strides.This ability can not be used consecutively, however it can be used frequently. (In battle threads recharge rate is 2 posts before being able to use it again.

    Enhanced Jumping: Effectively utilizing the same technique as for increasing his speed, Dravin instead generates that same force but uses it to propel himself up. So far the highest he has jumped was 8ft in the air. Just enough to allow him to grab on top of a low-lying roofs.

    Adjustments and additions mad in this color.

    Double Knifes
    : Steel blades, crudely made. More for show than actual use.
    Last edited by Aegis_X; 08-08-2017 at 02:23 PM.

  2. #2
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
    Level completed: 0%,
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    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Hey, nice profile. You can move Stealth to skills, as it is currently described it's not an ability.

    If I'm understanding enhanced speed correctly, it's more of a bursting technique. Can he use it consecutively? How many times could he perform it in a short period of time?

    Thanks for clarifying!

  3. #3
    Junior Member

    Aegis_X's Avatar


    Aerese Alanis
    adjustments made in blue!

  4. #4
    upon the cheek of night

    EXP: 224,444, Level: 20
    Level completed: 0%, EXP required for next Level: 0
    Level completed: 0%,
    EXP required for next Level: 0

    Breaker's Avatar


    Joshua Breaker Cronen
    Thank you. Approved!

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