Well. It seemed that not having most of its face was not conducive to this ugly fucker living. When I had turned around and seen her stripping - and wasn't that an odd habit in the middle of combat - I had been, well. I couldn't remember the last time I had seen a woman of any sort naked, far less one that was as comely as she. A frustrated hack had sunk my sword into its eyes, blinding it in one side. It had continued to swipe at me - until a glance showed me my companion - who now looked like a smaller Sif - tearing fingers from the hand of the beast she was fighting.

Of course, of course maiming them would work. It's not like trolls had a weak point. So I had gone to work, pinning the feebly waving arm beneath a heavy boot, and hacking the hand free with my sword. Good, good. Now defenseless, I had continued to hack away, smashing my blade into its face repeatedly, until the troll finally stopped twitching. I took no chances though - once its face was a gory mess - there was a strangled howl behind me- I hacked off its head before turning around.

OH. Oh, dear Flame. Well. Uhm. She was rather - well. It seemed like I could confirm that the curves I had seen on her under her clothes were entirely real. But more concerning - she had an injury on one hip, which was bleeding. I kicked the head away from the troll I had slain and moved over to her swiftly, shoving my sword into its sheath and pulling my chime back out.

“That looks - well, let me thank you for your help.” I started chanting, a hard and fast prayer for the benediction of a king torn from his throne. Warm golden light swirled around us, and I stepped closer with a mumbled apology. For Minor Heal I had to be quite close, and I hoped she didn't mind. The golden motes of light swirled up, then shot down into the ground, forming an ornate symbol on the ground. Like a palpable wave of warmth light swirled up around us, closing the wound on her hip up.

As soon as that was done, I stepped back, looking to the side to preserve her modesty. “My apologies, lady.” Fuck she was a looker though.

The sound of bubbling laughter confused me, but it erupted from her, parting her lips. “Have you never seen a woman naked, no I bet not by the reaction to my nudity.” She giggled some more before she shimmied into her jeans and other clothing.

“It has been a long, long time.” I growled out, not looking until I heard her clothes stop rustling. “A very long time.” Now that I was closer - what on earth were those garments she was wearing? They hugged her form quote closely, more than I had realized before. Flame. Right, no need to stare.

“So, ah. My rather long dry spell aside. What, pray-tell, are you, lady? I've never seen one who could don the wolf’s form before.” It was rather refreshing to encounter something new, after century upon century of life where the same things played out in an endless loop.

The woman scoffed slightly, “that is a very personal question, almost like me asking what is under your pants. Small, large maybe a grower?” She taunted me slightly, the tip of her tongue traced her plush lips.

I blinked, then looked down. Rude? Really? I shrugged slightly, one shoulder rolling. “Apologies. I'm not from anywhere near here, so - I don't know things such as that. As for your question - well. I don't know how I compare. My lovers of old never complained, but I don't know what people here are like.” Another shrug. When you died and came back, and lived for far too long - well, some forms of propriety fell by the wayside.