Her clothes….had virtually come apart, the intricate bows that tied her entire outfit together had loosened. Exposing more of her skin. The slightly tanned curvature of her breast, the rounded softness of her upper thigh…. Was she - sweet flow. No he could not think that. It was the alcohol, or he was misunderstanding. That had to be it, because there was no way, no damn way, that his girlfriend’s sister was inviting him to bed with her. He stood there, resting deeply - then moved to the bed.

Before she could react, he had grabbed the edge of her futon covers and flipped them on top of her, taking the bottle from her hand in the process. He leaned down and stared into her eyes for a moment, his gaze dark and hungry - then he stood up and took a long swallow from the bottle.

“I told you I would have loved to make you scream.” His voice was thick with desire, but he turned around and walked towards the door. “Have a good night, Ayaka.”

“FUCKIN TEASE!” He heard her spit back. Then another mumble. “Fuckin Eteri getting the good ones…” Then more incoherent rambling. Then silence. His grip on the bottle of alcohol tightened. Oh, he wished he could do more than ‘tease’ her. A fiery, feisty woman who knew her way around Alchemy? He drained the bottle and left the room, stumbling towards where she had indicated the bathroom was.

He needed an ice shower after that display and that cry. Otherwise he might go back. Not a good idea. The redhead had to fight with the sliding door to get it to work - he wasn't sure he had done it correctly. Finally with a grunt and a slam he got it to open fully, and he ducked through to look at the bathroom. And he stopped, and blinked.

In one corner sat a decently large tub, currently empty. But there was no shower - instead, against one wall was a low bench in a tiled area, with a faucet and hose in front of it. Huh. Did you wash, then soak? He sighed and shrugged - that's what he would do, even if it might be wrong. Not like Ayaka, drunk and passed out, was going to come join hi- come judge him.

So he slid the door - well, he got it half closed before he gave up. He shook his head and dropped his bag against the wall, then began stripping down. As Nevin took off his clothes he folded them up and set them down beside the bag. The water to the tub was started, so it would fill as he scrubbed down, and then he folded himself down onto the little bench and turned on the water to the hose.

He thought he heard movement from the next room but did his best to ignore it. It was her house after all. If she was stumbling around drunk it was her perogative. She said she did this often. If she was having to fill a role she didn't want for people she clearly didn't think too much of - well. He wasn't one to talk poorly of using drink to de-stress. He ducked his head into the water and began scrubbing his hair down.

Ayaka stumbled in, wearing nothing but a towel around her lower region. “Eh?” She stared at him for a few moments as though her mind was still processing that he was here. She turned and left and Nevin stared after her for a solid minute. Then he slowly shook his head, and rinsed down before heading to climb into the tub.
That had been - well. She was a looker. Those full, heavy breasts were mouth watering. Thank Crimson she had left -

She returned with a few vials and approached the tub pouring them into the water. “This’ll….help relax… or..fuckin….make yer rashy… cant remember…” she mumbled as she tried to read the labels…. After pouring the sweet smelling concoction into the tub. Ayaka fell to her knees and pressed her painfully naked breasts on the side of the bath. “Whats yer fuckin’ deal?” She mumbled.

Nevin dragged his gaze up from the compressed flesh, shaking his head slightly to clear the thoughts away. As the sweet concoction filled his nose he tilted his head to the side.

“What do you mean?” no one could blame him for his voice being tight. Or his eyes for wandering despite his control.