“Is that so?” Ayaka stared at Nevin for a few moments, then back to Eteri. “Thanks for telling me.” She pushed past Nevin then Eteri who feebly grasped at the long sleeves of her garb. Ayaka was not amused.

Be damned if anyone was going to treat her little sister like shit. Her sister was probably the mst fuckin’ dumbest, naieve, ignorant piece of shit to walk the earth but dammit she was also the most innocent and reasonable of the lot. At least Eteri was honest.

Ayaka practically slammed the door open. <”Yo, Akane.”>

The chef looked up at Ayaka and his eyed widened, his mouth smiling in delight. <”High priestess! Welcome, come, come sit. Sit. I’ll prepare your-”>

Ayaka pointed to Eteri and Nevin. <”You’ll fuckin’ prepare whatever the fuck they want. They are paying customers and I know yer a greedy ol’ bastard. So shut up and take their fuckin’ money they want..”> Ayaka paused and turned to a very nervous Eteri.

<”What do you want? What does your giant boytoy want?”>

Eteri stood just outside of the threshold of the store, she bit her lip, glancing away before answering. <”A...ah Shoyu...for the both of us ...with double extra chashu.”>

Ayaka nodded and turned back to the now very agitated chef. <”Hear that Akane? She wants her ramen swimming in pork. I wanna see two fuckin’ steaming bowls in front of me right the fuck now. We’re going to sit down and we’re going to ENJOY our meals.”> Ayaka sat down next to the other man, an elderly nekohin with matted white fur all over his body. He wore silk pants and a red sash over an otherwise bare, furry chest. <”Yo, Shiro.”> Ayaka said with a nod.

<”I figured you’d show… you just have a sixth sense for that sort of thing.”> he said as he held up his hand to signal Akane. <”6 shots sake, warm.”> Akane nodded, his back to them as he bustled about, making the bowls.

<”Aye, get your fuckin’ furry blue butt in here - and tell your fuckbuddy to not hit his big ass forehead on the way in.”> Ayaka called out to the two who were still standing awkwardly in the doorway.

They entered, Eteri silently taking a seat next to Ayaka. Nevin ducked in, keeping his head low even so, he had to bend over not to hit the top. He calmly folded himself down onto the chair by Eteri, and nodded his head to Ayaka quietly.

Shiro, the older man sighed and rubbed his head. <”You’re a handful Ayaka. I remember when you’d chase people with a stick for even glancing at Eteri the wrong way. I’d say it’s good to see the both of you back in town, but if she’s back - then I doubt it is.”>

Ayaka nodded but didn’t say much further on it. Shiro was a good man, avoided conflict like it was the fuckin’ black plague, but that was common. Head down, shut up. That’s the way this place worked. The six drinks were placed in front of Shiro who slid one to Eteri, one to Nevin two to Ayaka and kept two to himself. <”Cheers to whatever the hell it is you’re doing.”>

Ayaka rose her small cup and gestured for Nevin and Ayaka to do the same. <”Cheers.”> She downed the drink and slammed the sake cup back on the tiny bar before downing the other. Nevin studied his drink for a moment before doing the same, lifting an eyebrow at the taste as it burned down his throat.

The two bowls were shoved in front of both Eteri and Nevin and Ayaka was pleased to note that indeed, both bowls had a disproportionately large amount of meat in it. <”Dig in fuckers. Especially you Eteri. You’ll need your strength.”>

Eteri turned her head to look at Ayaka, <”What? Why?”>

<”Best just enjoy the meal and the drinks. Keep ‘em coming Akane.”>