Did….did Nevin just speak in… <”N-Nevin? Since when did you get so good?”> my tail flicked side to side, the trepidation building in me being quickly shoved aside for excitement. I didn’t think I was such a good teacher. <”I’m so happy! You’ve done so well.”>

<”burn throat. Not good grasping yet. Need help more, think. But I - I hear? Good.”> There was an intense frown as he stumbled through speaking. I didn’t mind one bit. I was so proud of him. It was exciting to hear him speak.

<”Need more? You mean…”> I tilted my head to the side, ignoring the priest who was clearing his throat. <”Ah! You mean that my blood did it...so the blood magic you use utilised my blood to aid you in our native tongue...as a way of adapting since it’s all you’ve really heard since you got here?”> I furrowed my brow. That didn’t make a lot of sense, and quite honestly sounded a little too convenient. Still.. It was a thing.

“I think so. The Great Flow - where my magic comes from - is meant to be a place of unity and acceptance. I mentioned that that part is advancing in me, this might be another aspect of it. I am sorry about that by the way - when I took your blood I wasn't fully in control of myself. Speaking in tradespeak is still easier for me, but…” I reached out and squeezed his hand. Telling him not through words, but through body language that this was ok. This was all going to be ok and that if he ever needed it. He could take as much as he needed from me because I know he would offer the same in return. His fingers laced with mine and squeezed back.

I watched as Nevin cleared his throat and turned to the priest, bowing his head. <”Apologies lots. My magic did weird thing, not native speaker. Yes, have part of Pode in me, but my ghost is.. Too white?”>

The priest huffed then shrugged. <”I will move this on. I will go prepare her a drink to aid in the sedation.”> He gave Nevin and Eteri a nod. <”This may not work as we had planned. This is not a normal clensing, we will aid to do our best. Say your goodbyes.”> With that he gave a small bow and shuffled out the room.

I turned to Nevin, ignoring the fact that Ayaka was still in the room and collapsed into his arms, wrapping my arms tightly around his broad shoulders. “Is ok. Is ok….Is all ok..” I mumbled into his neck as I rubbed my face against his skin. Inhaling differently. I wanted to remember how he felt against me, how he smelt...how he sounded. Everything. “Much love.”