Nevin wrapped his arms around the blue-haired girl, hugging her tight to his chest. He took a deep breath, feeling his lungs expand and swell in her hold, and slowly let it out as he rubbed her back with one hand. “Yes. I love you a lot too. It will be OK. I'll be here when you come out.”

“Get a fuckin’ room.” He heard Ayaka snidely remark. “For fuck sakes its only gonna be a few days.”

“We’re in a room, and these are our goodbyes. If it bothers you, help the priest?” He knew that Ayaka was Eteri’s sister, but he was done with taking these snide little comments and remarks passively. After replying to her, he turned his attention back to the woman desperately clinging on to him.

“Fine by me, fuck you both. Just don’t fuck each other I’m the one who would have to clean up.” Ayaka mumbled as she stood and followed the path the Priest took into the next room.

“That doesn't really make me not want to do that, I hope she knows.” Nevin muttered to Eteri after Ayaka was out of the room. He grinned down at her. Then he pulled the girl more properly into his lap, so that she was curled into his arms instead of just slumped against him. Now that she was sitting on him, he released his ‘bondage’ hold, and let her feel his reaction to her outfit as he held her tight. She jumped slightly, eyes widening as she stared up at him. “I uhm...good to seeing you too.”

“Eteri, love. You can talk in Akashiman. I can understand it better than I can speak it.” Nevin grinned and kissed her nose. She wriggled in response, which did not help his own throbbing desire to throw her onto the table right there. Make a huge mess to force Ayaka to clean up.

<”It doesn’t bother you? I don’t mind. I’ve become quite accustomed to speaking Tradespeak.”> She murmured into his neck.

Nevin's hands tightened around her waist, slowly pressing her downwards gently for a moment before he grinned and shook his head. “Not at all, dear. Your voice is wonderful when you're speaking it, and I would rather hear that intelligent brain in there, without it being stuck by the common tongue.”

Nevin felt a low rumble of a purr rise up from Eteri, the bells chimed in gentle and hypnotic rythm as she swished her tail to and fro. If Nevin didn’t know any better he’d have thought that she had just adjusted herself so he could - oh, she had. He felt a low growl build in his throat as he cheated, and used his threads to open his pants so that she could feel him directly against her.

<”I’m not that smart, but I appreciate the sentiment. You always make me feel-N-Nevin! Here? They could be back any minute! What if my sister walks in? What if the-”>

He caught her lips in a kiss, deeply, and ground against her. He pulled away and rested his forehead against hers, staring into her eyes. “But you are smart, Eteri. I don't like hearing you put yourself down like this. And as for this,” he rolled his hips against her. “This is just this. I know we don't have the time for what we want. But - I want to remember how you feel for the next few days.” His tone was thick with desire.

Apparently Eteri wanted the same. One hand slipped down, and pushed her underwear aside, enough for him to slide in. He groaned against her, and she kissed him to keep him quiet. They rocked back and forth, holding tight, desperate to make one more memory together before -

By the time Ayaka came back, the two were sitting side by side again, Eteri leaning against his shoulder, her face flushed. Ayaka’s nose crinkled in disgust. “Really? Fucking - really? The fuck is wrong with you two?” Nevin just gave her a slow, languid smile, his eyebrows rising challengingly.

“Yes, really fucking.” His tone was lighter than it had been earlier, and he was clearly amused. “We did keep the mess down though. You're welcome.”

“Oh, you think you're funny, bastard?” Nevin shrugged his shoulder, once.

“I have no problem with it. If need be, I'll help you clean. But - she needed this.” Eteri burrowed her face against his side, unable to look at her sister. “And so did I. If she's going in to have her soul messed with - she needs memories of love. And I will always give her whatever I can.” He squeezed Eteri’s waist, his eyes boring into Ayaka’s. He did not look away, and he did not flinch, he just stared steadily, his gaze firm.