Nevin let a long, heavy sigh as he pushed the door to A Single Drop open. He had been told a message about his greetings and well-wishes would be passed on to Lady Philomel, who wasn't currently present within the ship, off on some business he was not to know of. So he had simply thanked them for taking his message and left, making his way back to his store. Which was dark, and quiet. The alchemist closed the door behind him and latched it - he was in no shape or mood to deal with customers tonight.

He slumped back against the door, his eyes drifting shut in the quiet shadows of the Alchemy store. He had become used to being around other people at this point, customers were constantly filtering in and out of the store whenever he had it open, and in the day he had business to take care of in the city. And for the last couple of days, he had literally been spending nearly every waking minute with his closest, dearest friend.

Who was firmly set in some kind of relationship with a god. The warmth had been laced with a strong possessiveness, an almost desperate attachment, but it had definitely been love. Nevin didn't know what had happened to Vitruvion that the other god refused to accept it - the alchemist paused and went back over his last thought in his head.

The other god? Nevin shook his head dismissively. Even if he was slowly transitioning in that direction, he was not a god, or godling, himself. Not yet. With a ugh, he pushed himself away from the door and began trudging his way into the back of the shop. He dropped his bags down beside his kitchen table and slumped down into a seat, staring across the table.

“It's too quiet here.” He slowly dropped his head down into his arms, resting them on top of the table. He had no idea how long he stayed there - he wasn't sure if he fell asleep, or if the quiet darkness just held him in its grasp for hours. It was strange to him - he was a reclusive person, or at least he thought he was. So why, instead of just feeling alone, did he feel.. Lonely?