Lorenor considered the situation at hand. He held the fragment of the Tablet of Destiny in his hand. Sei Orlouge... Lorenor thought to himself as he recalled his old friend. Lorenor placed the fragment in his packs and looked at his son. "Like I said earlier...we need to talk. I owe you an apology." Lorenor said calmly.

"...I have waited this long to hear this. You beat me so what are you going to do now?" The black knight asked.

"We need to leave Scara Brae. Someone told me that much. In the meantime...you and I have much to talk about." Lorenor looked at his son. "How is your Mother doing? Things happened shortly after her and I were together...i wasn't able to be there. Surely you know why." Lorenor rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"I heard you'd become a servant of N'Jal." The black knight said calmly. "Further...I have heard you were doing unspeakable things as such." The black knight said.

Lorenor looked at his son. "I don't want forgiveness for that...I had no choice at the time. It was the only way to protect you from what I had become." Lorenor said. "Through it all I had lost sight of who I was."

The black knight looked at his Father. "How do you wield The Holy Light?" He had to know. "I look into your eyes, and I see a sort of sadness there...not the hatred that the followers of N'Jal are known for."

"It was Sei Orlouge." Lorenor said calmly. "Back with the old Ixian Knights, I'd undergone five years of Reformation." Lorenor thought back to that point in his life. Sei had saved him...perhaps though, Lorenor had saved himself. "During Reformation I'd purged all connections and ties to N'Jal." Lorenor explained. "I'd forged a connection to the light." He further added and nodded at that point. "That was when everything changed."

"Yes...I see that now." The black knight said to his Father. "We will all leave Scara Brae together and go to the mainland of Corone with you on our side." The black knight said calmly. "The shard...I want you to have it."

Lorenor nodded. "I meant to keep it anyway, but thank you. I will know what to do with this. I have some idea of who actually originally destroyed the tablet..." Lorneor decided to keep that information to himself.

"What do you intend to do now?" The black knight asked.

"We're going to Corone and try to figure things out from there. Is the Prophet here?" Lorenor asked to the gathered followers.

Nenkulor Shima emerged from the crowd. "I am here, Lorenor." The Prophet said calmly.

"So...it was not a dream." Lorenor thought out loud. He shook his head. Then looked at the follows of the black knight and his own son. "Pack you're things, we're moving to greener pastures."

Lorenor began to walk towards the Prophet and there they would talk...

~The End~