Lorenor looked around as he stepped outside of the jail building.

It was standard Scara Brae architecture, modern era. The building looked like it had been through a considerable amount of turmoil over the years and centuries. For some reason, the jail called to Lorenor and he felt like he could relate to that old building. An official building with some important purpose to the locals. Lorenor looked at the guard captain for a long moment and nodded towards him. "Where do I go to enlist?" Lorenor asked a moment later and waited for a response.

The guard captain looked at Lorenor for a long moment and answered. "Far as I'm considered you're already enlisted. Welcome to the war, Private." The guard captain nodded at Lorenor with an understanding look on his face. "Just do you're best to fit in and don't start trouble with any of the locals and you will be fine." The guard captain continued to speak. "Your practical training will begin tomorrow bright and early. I'll teach you the ropes of the town of Stonevale and what your first few jobs are going to be." The guard captain said. "For now, you are dismissed."

Lorenor nodded back and adjusted his armour. From one army to another...here we go again. He thought to himself but he really didn't mind. His life had long been one of servitude and military service. He didn't really mind. His armour now had the insignia of Stonevale's local military. He didn't mind the extra responsibility...it was a definite positive element. The townsfolks likely do not trust me. It is all right, this is not a popularity contest. I'm just here to help. Lorenor opened his eyes and there was a woman staring at him from a nearby position. She motioned for him to go towards her.

He did so.

"You are the guy they found in the fields, yeah?" She asked. She had agreeable, flaming red hair and deep green eyes. Her skin was fair.

"Yeah...beaten nearly half to death I would add." Lorenor said. He tried to keep the mood uplifted and fairly social. He sighed after. "Sorry, still trying to get used to everything."

"They found you in pretty bad shape." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "You fought the black knight. Why didn't he kill you?" Her eyes narrowed. "He normally kills his victims."

"I'm not really sure what happened." Lorenor said carefully. He didn't want to reveal the whole truth...though actually...he didn't understand it all himself. "He tried...hard." Lorenor said carefully as he narrowed his own eyes. "But beyond that I'm not sure exactly what happened. We fought...and then i found himself crawling through the bushes, in my own blood to here."

"They fixed your armour too." She nodded. "My cousin told me you were in really bad shape when they found you."

"Yeah...I intend to defeat him someday." Lorenor said truthfully. "I can't allow someone like that harming innocent people." He added.

"You'd fight him again?" Her eyes lit up for a brief moment. "Why would you do something like that for us?"

Lorenor smiled at that point and shook his head. "Because it is the right thing to do."

"You're a weird one. But I'm glad you're working with the guard captain now." She thought about the situation for a moment. "Keep an eye around town. I'd like to talk to you again at length. I will wish you the best of luck in your training." She bowed her head at that point. "Bye for now!" She waved and walked away casually.

Lorenor stared after her for a moment and then proceeded to go...someplace. He had no idea where he would go. I have no place to call home except the wilderness...I guess I will start there for now. Lorenor started to walk towards The Brokenthorn Forest. His eyes narrowed and his cape moved with a swish as he turned towards the forest and began walking towards it.