He set up a small and basic camp for himself near the town where he could rest, and meditate.

A lot had happened...mainly his defeat at the hands of the black knight. He still cringed when he thought of that event and what it had meant for him. I still have much to learn about everything. Lorenor thought to himself as he stared at a small campfire he'd put together. He had no need for mortal sustenance as an Undead. However, he still ate periodically out of habit. He'd acquired a taste for cooked monster meat which was a pretty interesting development for him.

He didn't have anything cooking at the moment though, he merely liked the warmth that fire provided. He sat on the ground and considered what he needed to do next, the day was still fairly young in his eyes. Old habits died hard...that was one thing that most Undead shared. His eyes carefully studied the flames as he meditated for answers. He wanted to know who the black knight was. Lorenor considered that development and event quite carefully. He knew I'd be there...that's a problem in and of itself. Lorenor did not believe in coincidences.

As he meditated he could quietly hear the voice of the holy light whispering in the back of his mind.

It was not the first time that he'd traded freedom for power.

Five years I gave Sei Orlouge. Why do I still feel like I'm not free at all... Lorenor thought to himself. He was deeply troubled by his defeat at the hands of the black knight. It wasn't so much the loss that concerned him, but the fact that his power had failed him. Or perhaps...No...maybe I'm the failure. Lorenor thought to himself and sighed. There were fireflies about, and other insect life native to the forest itself. It had a certain ebb and flow to all, and Lorenor was not a part of that natural flow.


Lorenor heard footsteps a few hours into his meditations and he opened his eyes. "May I help you?"

"Don't mean to intrude." The guard captain said quietly. "Couldn't find you at the inn or the tavern, so I figured you'd be out here."

Lorenor nodded but still sat with his back to the guard captain, staring at the flames. "It's too much noise. But if you need company you are welcome to sit with me." Lorenor said calmly.

A moment later, the guard captain did sit down next to Lorenor. "I thank you. Things have been stressful for us since the appearance of the black knight."

"I understand...he is a difficult problem to deal with." Lorenor said.

"He attacks folks that wander too far off the road, but lately he's been getting bolder. The attack on you was proof of that." The guard captain said thoughtfully.

"I couldn't defeat him." Lorenor said. "His armour is likely enchanted in some way."

"That observation did occur to me too." The guard captain responded.

Lorenor rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "My sword is not enchanted by I am powered by the light." Lorenor said. "I am a paladin."

The guard captain nodded. "Your kind is rare nowadays."

"Too many dark hearts wandering about. But yes, the world needs Heroes." Lorenor said.

"What Order do you belong to...?" The guard captain asked quietly.

"The Ixian Knights." Lorenor admitted calmly, though he was likely the last living remnant of that old guild.

"...That's a name I have not heard in a long time." The guard captain began. "My grandfather used to tell me stories about their leader and the mystic tablet."

"It's gone now." Lorenor spat out. "Some idiot destroyed it." Lorenor said casually. "I gave them five years of my life in reformation."

"The old legends talk of that." The guard captain said calmly. "They say that anyone, regardless of past sins, could find reformation."

"Even someone like me." Lorenor sighed at that point.

"What do you mean?" The guard captain asked.

"...I was a follower of N'Jal before Sei Orlouge found me one night." There would be no use hiding his past. The townsfolk would find out sooner or later anyway.

"N'Jal..." The guard captain repeated. "Either way you've fought a lot to get here. I am glad you're here now. You can help us defeat the black knight."

"I need only to find a weakness to his armour and I will fight him to the death." Lorenor promised. "Your town is safe now."

The guard captain nodded. "You're a good man, Lorenor."

"What's your name by the way?" Lorenor asked of the other man.

"Will. Will Blake. Most folks just call me Will though." He said with a soft chuckle. "When your training begins tomorrow, I am pretty sure you'll fit in just fine."

"Thank you Will. You're welcome to stay here as long as you like." Lorenor said. He always did prefer male company to female company anyway. He closed his eyes for a moment, and a mental image of the vampire Urei appeared quickly. He frowned upon remembering his old lover.

"You all right?" Will asked.

"Yeah was just thinking about a long time ago." Lorenor said truthfully. "Hey Will, do you have a family?" Lorenor asked.

"Just live with my Mother." Will thought back to his own past. "Had a wife a long time ago, but she died. Never had any kids. So I pretty much just work all the time. Trying to keep the town safe." Will said casually.

Lorenor nodded. "I have no one. Sei vanished a long time ago. The Ixian Knights disbanded, and I have just been travelling for a long time trying to find some purpose and meaning to it all." Lorenor said carefully.

"Life can be mysterious at times, don't you agree?" Will asked. He placed his hand on Lorenor's shoulder. "You're here now maybe the towns folks can help you find your purpose."

"I promise you I will defeat the black knight." Lorenor said with a smile.

"I have no doubt that you will." Will answered.