It wasn't Siegbrau, but it was one of the better drinks I had had since coming to this world. I could feel my cheeks heating up a bit - hmm, so this had a fair amount of alcohol in it too. Good. I poured myself another glass and pushed the bottle back to my lover. She picked it up and took another swig, and I felt my eyebrow raise. I wonder - was her alcohol tolerance higher than mine? I sipped on the alcohol now, letting the sweet burn longer on my tongue this time.

“So, we’ve hunted. Is there anyone we need to alert about those things making an appearance again?” I tilted my head to the side watching her as she played with the bottle’s mouth. She shook her head smiling. “No, Jupiter usually knows when he gives me a target I hit it. He has probably already let the Rangers know.”

I stretched out as she thought, and looked around the barroom. The place was busy, and in this one room alone held more people than I was used to seeing. Usually crowds of bodies meant lots of things trying to kill me - not people relaxing and having fun in a peaceful place. It was…bizarre? I think that was the right word. I shifted in my seat, trying to suppress my agitation.

I felt as if all their eyes were on us. I couldn't blame them in one regard - Camille was attractive to a fault, and she drew their gazes, I felt. If I was less confident I might have been concerned, but she didn't seem to even register the rest of these individuals, much less actually caring that some of them were watching her. I shifted again, and my fingers tightened on my glass.

Was it just me, or were there more people here than there had been before? I hadn't been paying attention to the entrance - my eyes had been on Camille and her rolling figure. Despite myself I felt my shoulders crouch inwards slightly, tensing up as I prepared in case they started attacking. I dealt better with small groups, not this press of people. But, she wanted drinks, so here we were. And I'd put up with more than this if it would make her smile.

“Alright. So, then. Drinks - then?” How did this work these days? “We go find something else to kill? Or is there another plan in mind?” I sipped more of the brandy, watching her. I'd have to look into these Rangers, see if I could use them as a source of information myself. Or - well. I certainly didn't mind hunting with Camille.

“Maybe retire? I do have more things I'd like to ask you, and you've probably got questions about me as well.” Her altered state was intriguing to me. Was she just faster and stronger in that state? Or did it come with other benefits and detriments? I actually had a fair few things I wanted to ask her - but I didn't want to upset her by asking in public, if these were rude topics to discuss. No, I'd wait until we got back to our room.