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  1. #1
    Senior Member

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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Sweet, seductive Crimson. It felt good to give in to this, to stop holding back. She was so small, so delicate and I'd been afraid that her time with that bastard had scarred her. I was wrong. She was loving this, and I loved to have her like this. By my side, listening to me, obeying me. I didn't mind if she roamed - but this, this was where she belonged.

    “I don't think you have, Eteri.” Her ears flattened to her head as I continued. “I'm going to need a few things first, to make sure you are a good girl who deserves to cum for her Master.” Hope flared in her eyes, and her ears perked up. I growled - she was listening, at least. “Tell me, Eteri. Who do you belong with? Belong to?” as I spoke, I slowly tangled my fingers in her hair, the sides of my hand rubbing against the base of her ears. The grip kept her from seeing what was happening behind her - tendrils slowly rising up, weaving together into rough shapes similar to my cock. This was going to be a fun little game that she didn't know the rules to. But she was a smart girl, I'm sure she would figure it out quickly.

    “Well? The longer I wait, the less sure I am you're a good little girl, Eteri.” I growled as I locked my eyes onto hers. “Belong to Master Ne-”

    I had barely let her finish speaking when I interrupted her with a grin. “That's right, it is me. Now, I recall a certain young lady who was very, very cruel, and said that she would take care of her own needs, when I was right there. I have to admit, that upset me. So the second thing I need you to do? Watch.” And there, inches from her face, I slowly began stroking my shaft, the head bobbing just ever so far away from her. Just far enough that her tongue could almost reach - that she could, if she strained, taste the pre-cum that was leaking from the tip.

    And she did just that, her tongue fell out of her mouth and I could feel her hot breath on the tip of my cock as she pressed forward in an attempt for a taste she so clearly desired. My hand in her hair tightened, keeping her just far enough away that she couldn't reach me. As I slowly pumped my shaft, I shook. My head disparagingly, like I hadn't even noticed her attempt.

    “And it is torment to me, because I so, so desperately wanted to taste her, to have her say she wanted me. But no she refused. So now here I am, all alone with only my hand.” As I spoke, I drew that hand away from my cock, and slowly rotated the slightly slimy hand in front of her face. Taunting her. Watching her eyes widen as she licked her lips. Did she enjoy the taste that much? She whined and pulled forward again. This time I let her catch my hand with her tongue, and her mouth ran rampant across it. Then I pulled away, and she whimpered. Music to my ears.

    “What do you want dear?” I asked as my cock throbbed in front of her hungry little mouth.

    “Want taste you….taste good...please...again...more.”

    Well that was what I had wanted. I wanted her desperate, pleasing to be used by me. I wanted her to admit that she needed me, craved me. I wanted to hear that desperate moaned whine in the back of her throat as she begged to suck my cock. So I gave it to her - but at my pace. “Clean it, and mind the teeth, Pet.” I commanded as I slowly gripped her jaw, forcing her tiny mouth open.

    Inch by inch I pushed my cock forward, giving her no room to wriggle or escape as my shaft filled her mouth. Her rough tongue felt absolutely wonderful against my cock, soft warm sandpaper that was desperate to please. As my cock invaded her mouth her tiny tongue darted around it, frantically scraping to clean away the pre-cum that had been smeared across it by my masturbation. I relished the feeling, even as I kept forcing my cock further into her mouth. She gagged, her body convulsing and trying to resist the invader that was stretching her jaw and now her throat-but I kept her head held down, feeding her more of my meat, until her delicate nose was pressed against the spot just above the base of my cock. I let out a loud, throaty groan - even as her body screamed for oxygen, her eyes rolled up in the back of her head, her tongue was still working to massage my cock.

    Wonderful. But - I grinned viciously, and spoke almost casually. “By the way, little love. Did I tell you, that you got a reward for doing things good girls do?” And with that, a weave of tendrils slammed into her pussy, spearing her and twisting hard, once. She tried to make a noise but it was muffled by my throbbing cock. She squirmed and eased herself back onto the tendrils. Back and forth she slid up and down them.

    “That's the reward for telling me who you belong to, and getting it right. I wish you had been a good girl and just watched when I told you to, because then I would have also given you one in your ass. Ah well, I guess you just didn't want it that badly.” I smirked at her, then slowly let her back to breathe. And respond, if she wanted to. She gave a gasp of air and licked her lips. “Eteri be good pet for you…promise…” Whatever dominance she had in her had all but been whittled away into a lulled subservience.

    Such a sweet little girl, and I loved her. I wouldn't keep her on edge like this forever. But for now those desperate wiggles if her hips for release were divine. Just as she was working her hips to orgasm, I would withdraw my tendril from her pussy, leaving her mewling around my cock as her body shuddered from the denial of release. I grinned. I leaned forward, shifting my cock so it dragged against her cheek - she nuzzled it, unconcerned with the saliva and pre-cum that were now on her cheek.

    “Anything, pet? Well then. Remember to keep your fire when it's appropriate, dear. It excites me.” I kissed her, finally, like she had wanted. Her taste still lingered on my lips and tongue as I deepened the kiss.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  2. #2
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    She lifted herself up, just enough for his cock to spring out. Eteri could feel a warm liquid trickle down from her ass, but didn’t pay it much mind. She pressed herself against him, nuzzling him happily. “Am happy...felt Nevin very happy too….” She nuzzled into his neck. “But feel bad…” She trialed off before switching to Akashimian. <”You only got to cum once...Do you need more?”> She sat up and peered into his face. His eyes were still that strange dark red colour, more so than usual. “Will play more if want.” she mused. “Just small break first?”

    Nevin stared up at her for a long, long minute, then pulled her back down. As she adjusted against him, she could feel - yes. He was still hard. It wasn't the painful throbbing it had been at the end - but he was most definitely not soft, either. He massaged her back. “Dear….you realize that you aren't even close to your cycle?” It was a non-sequitor. Maybe it had been tickling at the back of his mind...Eteri thought, to be honest...she hadn’t realised.

    She sat up and counted days on her fingers. Two weeks. She was two weeks away. “Did not realise…” She tilted her head. “Is that bad?” Nevin shook his head, bringing one arm up to serve as a pillow for his head.

    “I don't think so, no. I love you, and I love to be with you like this. I hold back for your sake.”

    Eteri pouted. If she wasn’t on her cycle then why the constant need and heat for him? “Think...because….” she was trying to formulate a reason as to why. “Because… “ What had changed? Every so often they’d do things when she was not on her cycle, but...she hadn’t felt this driven before.

    “Because of your soul?” He rolled his head to one side as he offered the idea to her.

    Eteri blinked. Yes. Yes that made sense. She grinned and nodded enthusiastically at him. “Mmm Mmm think so. Eteri have soul now. Eteri not empty.” She pressed his cheeks together. “Nevin make Eteri into the sexual deviants.” It was a joke, one she found highly humorous. She laughed at it as she let go of his cheeks.

    Nevin let out his rolling laugh as he shook his head. “Me, make you into a deviant? I'm sorry, who asked who to drink their blood?” He grinned, and waved a sharp bundle of threads in the air in front of her. But as he did so, one hand gently rubbed her stomach, soothingly.

    Eteri went rigid. Her eyes followed them. “B-because….wanted….” She continued to watch them, as she tried to explain herself. “It felt...right. Ah!” She finally pulled her eyes from his threads, and turned to look down at Nevin. “What you was ok? No scared why stop when was feeling so good?”

    He blinked. “Love. Even if I was doing it slow like I did there, it was draining your blood. Your body can only handle so much lost at one time.” He tilted his head to the side. “If we are wanting to do it more in the future, I know of some medicines that can stimulate blood production so we don't have to stop as quickly.”

    Eteri’s eyes widened and she lowered herself over him. She pressed her forehead against his. “Yes. Want.” She said with a purr. “Need.” She blinked slowly, looking at his eyes. “Eteri like dark eyes on Nevin. Look...the handsome.” She closed her eyes and pressed her head into the crook of his neck, the scent of blood and sweat and sex was thick in the air. It was dizzying to say the least. “No hold back. Ever.”

    He slowly reached up and massaged her back, just above her spine. He had massaged his eyes for a moment, then just resumed touching her. “I am your Master, love. One of my responsibilities to you is to make sure that you are not hurt when we are together. After you rest and your body has time to recover we can do that again - and in the future, I will give you that medicine so we can do what you want.” He growled low in her ears.

    Eteri squirmed, in just the right way where she felt his shaft rub up against her folds. “mmm...mmm…. “ She blinked, “Wait. Master?” She tilted her head to the side. Did Nevin call himself her Master?

    It seemed the same realization dawned on him, his eyes widened but before he could speak Eteri nodded. “Yes. This sound good. Master Nevin.” She traced circles on his skin. “Master Nevin. A God. Yes. Is good. Is ok. Eteri still stay. Eteri is yours.” Each time she called him that, she felt his cock bounce against her, his body twitching. She experimented with that fact. “Master Nevin~” She cooed. Oh, that got a hard twitch, his hips shook a little.

    “Master Nevin...Eteri…” She turned serious for a moment. “Eteri not… not being so...sexual before. Never thought ever would. So...not…” she wriggled and the curves of her ass pressed into him. “Not good at lots of things...will Master Nevin teach?” He let out a long, drawn out groan, and she felt his cock grind along her folds. She stammered. “M-Master… err...c-clean first?” He tilted his head to the side, examining her then he gave a very slow nod.

    “There should be a bottle of water and clothes in my pack. Hmm. If I am Master…” she felt him twitch just slightly at that before he cleared his throat. “If I am master, then I suppose you're my pet. And I will teach you whatever you want, my Pet Eteri. I do not believe you are bad at sex - I have enjoyed each time we are together.”

    She grinned and nodded, then headed to his pack to grab the water and cloth; she returned and cleaned him down, first wiping down the blood and sweat from his torso then working her way gently into his genitals. “Pet Eteri…” She repeated. “Am still girlfriend too?” She asked as she worked his shaft. Ensuring it was clean. He let out a groan and closed his eyes.

    “You're my girlfriend before you're my Pet, Eteri. I wouldn't have you be my Pet if we weren't together.”

    “M-A-S-T-E-R….” She mused as she dropped the cloth and sat back down on the carriage floor, she gave him a toothy grin. “Am happy. Like see you like this. Feels right.”
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

  3. #3
    Senior Member

    EXP: 61,139, Level: 10
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    Nevin's Avatar


    Nevin Aimaparapoiitis
    22 / 37
    Human (Godling)
    Sweet Crimson if she did not stop calling me master soon I was going to have her give me a blowjob. I might do it anyway - her gentle, steady cleaning had driven me wild. Her mouth at least would not be sore like her tight slit or tighter ass, and I didn't want to actually hurt her.

    Thankfully. The man on the carriage rapped the window with a cane, drawing our attention. “Oi. Storm is brewing. We’re stopping at an inn, I'm not risking these roads in a storm.” I blinked - and then hurriedly dragged our clothes on with my threads, and held my torn clothes shut. I ran a hand through my hair, pushing it back from my face.

    “OK. We are continuing this in the inn.” I growled out. It didn't take long after that for them to roll to a stop - and the two lovers, and the carriage driver, hurried inside, just barely beating the fall of rain. I paid for a room for us, and headed upstairs to the room. I closed the door, locking it behind me. I sat down on the bed, and watched as my clothes fell apart. Eteri smirked wide, and slipped from her clothes.

    “Master?” She tilted her head to the side. “What wrong?” There was a slight pause, “Master…” Was she doing this on purpose? From the way her eyes were trained on my shaft, watching it bounce as that damned word sent a shiver off pleasure down my spine - oh she knew what she was doing. “Master…” Dammit woman.

    “Nothing is wrong, Pet. Come here.” I growled out the command as I stared at her. She liked me in control then she was going to have to deal with the results.

    She crawled over to me, on all fours. Her ass waggling in the air before she sat comfortably between my legs. “Hey. Master - what did it feel like...when you did this?” She pointed to the pinprick between her breasts. “Detail?” I let out a throaty groan and buried my fingers in her hair.
    “I'll answer you Pet. But you need to do something first. My cock needs some tender attention with your mouth.”

    The way her eyes lit up, the way her smile widened. It sent a shiver of anticipation down my spine. I didn’t have to tell her twice as she leaned down and wrapped her mouth around me. Hungry little murmurs came from her as she worked my shaft with her rough tongue, it curled around me and slid up and down. Then, she started bobbing her head up and down. I let out a loud groan, and started running my fingers through her hair.

    “Fuck, Pet. Good girl. OK. OK.” I took a deep breath, trying not to think about the loving worship she was giving me. “when I drank - gehh- when I drained your blood, it felt like” She was determined, I had to give her that much. She was working furiously, tongue scraping and swiping along the length of my shaft with hungry abandon. “It felt like liquid honey in my mouth, sunshine on my skin and filling me. You really are my light.”

    I glanced down and noticed her own hand had shifted down between her legs. The other had gently began to massage my balls, rolling them gently in the palm of her hand. How the crimson did this woman think she was bad at sex? She paused, kissing the tip of my cock before looking up at me. “Can do again. Anytime. Master.” She purred before pressing her lips over me again, oh Crimson...she was now sucking. I tightened my hands in her hair. I was still more sensitive, close to the edge from my last orgasm. If she kept this up I'd fill her mouth soon. To try to buy myself time I spoke.

    “Wha-what about you, Pet. How did it feel for you?” Hopefully, not painful. But to answer she would have to stop sucking.

    She lifted her head, and licked her lips. I gave a sigh of relief, but groaned in pleasure torment as she lifted herself up and pressed herself onto me. My hard cock slid right in. She was already twitching, sensitive. Her walls wet and tight around me. “Felt good.” She said, pressing her head to the crook of my neck as she began to buck her hips. “ was...right….felt strong...felt…” Whenever she wasn’t sure of a word, she switched to Akashiman. <”Felt Sensual and I wanted to feel it more. To feel you invade and take all that I am.”> She murmured into my ear. Still bucking into me.

    Fuck - fuck. Fuck she felt good. I closed my eyes and tried to breath. She was overwhelming my senses, I needed a chance to recover so I could - wait. Taking some of blood before had relaxed the urge to cum before, at least for me. So as she rocked and rolled her hips, trying to bring me to completion again - I slid the needle-like thread into her wrist, where she could see it easily, then slowly began draining. That set her off. She gave a guttoral groan, one that made me grin in hungry approval. I reached up and pulled her down into a kiss to shut her up.

    She moved harder, faster. Her claws digging into me as she groaned loudly into the kiss. The flow of warm honey sunshine did exactly what I had thought - it made me more stable, pushing me further back from blink of orgasm. I reached up - and ground my thumb against her clit. The same could not be said for her. She shivered violently and erupted into another scream of ecstasy. “M-Masterr….a.ah…..” She squirmed and writhed atop me.

    I grinned - yes good so damn good! I loved to hear her scream for me. But - still not here. I had to take some medicine first before could - I took a deep breath, and lifted her shaking shivering form from my lap. She seemed bereft t the loss - until I lowered her head to my cock.

    “Suck Pet. Suck me off and swallow.” I brushed my cock against her lips, letting the smell of our sex fill her nose. She obliged, hungrily licking me till I forced my shaft into her mouth. She sucked hard, with twice as much vigor as before. Crimson...where did this come from? Her head bobbed up and down, back and forth, twisting as her tongue wrapped and flicked around me. Again her hand came down to cradle my balls, rolling and hefting them, scraping her nails against my skin. If she wasn't careful I would start bucking. Then she hit it, once again she hit that sweet spot with her tongue, lapping at the pressure point just underneath the head of my cock. I couldn't help it - I started bucking and squirming in her hands.

    Thankfully she withdrew her fingers as I started to writhe under her ministrations. Otherwise those nails might have slipped somewhere unintended and I wasn't sure how either of us would feel about that. She didn't seem to notice, her head frantically bobbing as she sucked hard. Crimson I was close again, and this time the warm honey sliding in my skin was not helping. I dropped my head back as I closed my eyes and clenched them to prevent them from rolling back in my head.

    Her hands found their way back to my balls, her nails grazed against my backside and I froze as a particularly hard scrape of her tongue made my hips twitch backwards - and one finger pressed inside.
    - "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood; Fear the old blood."

    Nevin: Formal, thoughtful, nurturing, bearer of tropey tentacles.

    "More threads! More! Threads for the Crimson Thread King!"
    A member of the NevCrew:
    Nevin: Thread count: please, don't try.
    Erik: Thread count: five or six. Maybe seven...
    Huntsman: seven. Maybe eight. Shhhhhhh.
    Telli' thread count: zero. I just can't get into writing the little hellion.
    Ronnel: Not even approved yet.

  4. #4
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    She hadn’t meant to...a clawed finger had found its way into a tight, hard hole,she wriggled it around slightly and felt the ridges of the inside of his...Oh! Eteri went to draw her finger out of his ass but he wriggled and groaned in a way that suggested he liked it. “St-stop mo-m-mo-moving.” He managed to get out through clenched teeth.

    She stopped bobbing her head and tested...she wriggled her finger a little more and felt his cock twitch in her mouth and the throb that promised his imminent release. He made an odd sound in the back of his throat, a strangled whimper that filled her ears as a wave of pre-cum flowed into her mouth. “Ete-riiiii” Oh, that was an interesting gasp.

    This for Eteri, so she was treading carefully. She didn’t want to injure him. Still, she pressed her finger a little further up, wriggling it round and round just as he had done to her. If it felt good for her, maybe it felt good for him too?

    His hips bucked hard, rolling and twitching as his body shook. Her name fell from his lips as he struggled to breathe. He didn't seem fully in control of the motions.

    She pressed hard on his cock again, sucking up the precum as she once again bobbed her head up and down.As she suckled she pulled her finger nearly all the way out before pressing it back in again.

    He froze, a gasp, then “E-T-E-R-!”

    He drew back from her to spray her mouth with his semen. Eteri coughed but quickly corrected herself, sucking on him till he had stopped twitching. She struggled to swallow every last drop, even though they had just had sex, and he had just unloaded already….it seemed like it was more than usual. He started to settle. Eteri drew away, licking her lips as she removed herself from him. “Master?” She asked.

    His chest was heaving, and his eyes were wide. Before she could speak again, Crimson shot out from him, wrapping around her limbs and lifting her from the floor and holding her in the air. His eyes were dark, hungry, and something else. Caution? Uncertainty?.... Lust?

    “You.” His voice ground out as he stood up.

    “U-Uhm….Eteri licked it all up though!” She stammered, unsure of why he had her hanging in the air, splayed out. Sweat dripped from her form to the wooden floor of the inn. “Master?” She was slightly alarmed, not because of his sudden outburst, but she was worried she had done something to hurt him. He seemed to enjoy it. Did she mistake that? “Am sorry.” She said.

    “Stop.” He held up his hand in front of her, palm touching her lips. “Do not apologize unless I say you have done something wrong.” He shifted. A glance down showed that he was still hard, almost angrily so. “That was. New. If we try that again, we will discuss it first.”

    Eteri scrunched her face up in confusion. ‘ always do that to me….feels good….you no like when done to you….but acted like...ah….” She lowered her head and her hair shielded her face. She felt...bad. She had gotten caught up in the moment and should have checked to ensure he was ok with it.

    “No. I've never had it done before. I don't know if I like it. Apparently I did. Give me a bit of time.” He ground out the sentences, trying to reassure her - himself? She couldn't tell. He did step closer to her though. “If that situation seems to come up again. Just - warn me first.” He drew her chin up so she could see his face.

    She couldn’t tell what the emotion was on his face. It looked like a mixture of confusion and anger, the smouldering fire that burned in his gaze and the way his tendrils tightened on her limbs. Further constricting her. “Y-yes Master. ah...Nevn…” She wasn’t sure if she was turned on or worried for his well being. He studied her for a moment, then nodded - and stepped in and kissed her, bringing her down from the air and wrapping his arms around her waist.

    “Maybe next time not when I'm thrashing wildly already though.” He murmured into her hair. “Fuck. Eteri. I liked it. Stop looking so down. It just surprised me.”

    She looked up at him and smiled. That was such a relief. “Am glad.” She pressed her lips to the underside of his chin. “Am having the bath?” She asked, rubbing her joints. Then, as if realising her faux paux she corrected herself. “I am having the bath.” She still got it wrong.

    “A bath, love. And would you like me to join you - just for bathing. I think you need a break.”

    Eteri pursed her lips. “Am having a bath.” Nevin nodded and she smiled. “Not mnd if join...but…” she glanced to the door. “The food...and new town yes?” She watched him for his reaction. “If know you….well...Eteri thinks even if raining you wanting to see local alchemy store, yes?” He studied her for a minute, then laughed and kissed her nose.

    “You aren't wrong. Tell you what.” He stroked her hair with his fingers. “You take a long, hot bath. I'll go out and check around town, get us some food and check out the Alchemy scene here. Then I'll come back and get in to warm up - so make sure to keep the fire hot.” He grinned. “Sound good?”

    “Okay.” Eteri needed a break anyway. Inside of her screamed at her to take him again, to drive him further down some strange, unknown path but Eteri needed to relax her muscles. She gave Nevin one final kiss on the cheek before he got dressed and left the room; and she headed toward the bathroom to run a bath.
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

  5. #5
    Senior Member

    EXP: 15,383, Level: 5
    Level completed: 24%, EXP required for next Level: 4,617
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    Eteri's Avatar


    Eteri Yoko
    Half Human Half Nekojin
    She stretched, and yawned. Oops. She had fallen asleep in the bath. Eteri was thankful that the water was still warm. She stepped out and wrapped a towel around her waist. Blinking in surprise when she saw Nevin sitting at the small wooden table propped up in the corner of the room. He was squished behind it which made for an awkward sight. “Nevin! You soaking!” Eteri grabbed the towel and approached him. Wrapping it around his face she started to rub it over his head. “You is cold. You should go to warm b-b....” she stopped and sniffed. Was that? She turned, distracted.


    She shifted over to the other side of the table and sat down. Her stomach growled. “Thanking…” She picked it up with her fingers and shoved the first few fish fillets into her mouth. Still chewing she pointed from Nevin to the bathroom. Insisting that he warm himself up.

    He laughed and stood up, bottles clinking as he moved into the bathroom. “I found what I was looking for though the woman was a bit rude.” He said to explain the look she gave him. “I'll go, warm up. Hope the meat is filling.” He grinned and ducked into the bathroom, shucking off his clothes as he went.

    Eteri’s ears swiveled at the bottles and she stared at them. What were they? What was he looking for? She shrugged it off as she shifted her attention back to her plate and finished it off. Then… for good measure, finished off the meat that was on Nevin’s plate. Really… it was his fault for leaving her alone with his meal. Satisfied and full Eteri padded over to the bathroom to check on Nevin.

    “Is good?” She asked. He sat in the water, his thick red hair filled with soap suds. Eteri grinned as she stalked up behind him and started to massage his head for him. “Here. Let Eteri helping.”

    “You…. UuUuuhhhhh. You want help, not helping. And please do, your hands feel wonderful.”

    Eteri’s tail whipped happily back and forth as she carefully massaged his scalp. “You want help. Eteri help.” she repeated. He twisted and looked up at her, smiling at her.

    “I'll always want your help, love.”

    “Here…” she reached out and cupped water into her hands and ran it over his head, rinsing the suds from his hair, after a few attempts. “You want help to cleaning anywhere else?” Eteri was satisfied...she had a good meal, she had a good nap and she had Nevin back. There was a strange burning in her chest - but even that felt somewhat satisfying. He grinned and kissed her palm.

    It tingled with a warmth That Eteri could only put one word to. “Love.” She said out loud and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Be warm. I going to other room now?”

    “stay and talk a little, love. How was your meal?” He grinned at her.

    “Good!” She kneeled over the side of the tub, letting her hands float in the water. “Many meat. Still ate yours too.” She poked her tongue out at him. “Must know by now, never leave that along with Eteri. Every time. Wil eat your share.”

    He froze. “Uh. Eteri. Love. You ate my meat too?” He swallowed as he tried to confirm what she had said. He seemed almost - not afraid. But preparing himself? I furrowed my brows and nodded.

    “Mmm yes. Why?” Nevin let out a strangled laugh.

    “I put an aphrodisiac on my meal. Aphrodisiac on mine, and a potion to replenish blood in yours.”

    Realisation struck her at his words. He had planned to try and sate the desires she had, the near insatiable ones she had since returning from the temple. “A-ahh….what do. Didn’t eat all meal, just meat… maybe be ok?” He took a deep breath and stood from the water, and immediately headed for the bedroom. A pause in the door way, and he looked over his shoulder at me.

    “Love, it was a dose meant for me to keep up with you. Even a partial dose is going to drive you wild.” He took a deep breath, and then grinned, wide, then frowned. “I'm almost looking forward to it. But I didn't intend you to eat it - I do remember you didn't like how intense it made you. I'm sorry.” With that, he left the bathroom.

    She stared at the water in the bath. Trailing her hand back and forth and watching the ripples. She felt fine...maybe he was wrong? She ignored the intense desire to follow him into the bedroom. There was a rumbling purr within her, almost satisfied at hearing that she had accidently drugged herself. Although… to be fair he should have known she’d eat his meal…

    Eteri closed her eyes and sighed. The rumbling filled her head.

    LeT gO.

    Should she? Should she just let go? She had napped...and she knew that Nevin would stop if she exhausted herself too much. Hell… he’d probably grow tired before she did. “Gah!” Eteri dunked her head into the water to clear it then lifted it back up.


    Time to get this mess out of her system.

    “Master…” she called out as she headed into the main room
    I am cat gurl, gib me ur soul

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