No Thaynes.

No cults.

Not a criminal syndicate in sight.

It was a rather odd situation to be in, but today, on Shinsou Vaan Osiris's orders, the Brotherhood's priorities had switched from developing and nurturing the power of its military junta to clearing out what appeared to be a sudden feline pandemic.

The fuckers were everywhere. Shinsou had woken up, still hung over from the night before, to find his quarters brimming with all types of bastard varieties of cats. Salvic forest ragdolls, Coronian shorthairs and even Raiaeran blues meandered around the marble tiles of his room like they owned the place.

"What the fuck is this?"

Arius, Shinsou's right hand man and usually the man with all the answers, must of been eavesdropping through the door. As he turned the handle and crept the oaken door slightly ajar, a scuffle ensued between a fat ginger Alerarian lesser spotted domino cat and a rather peturbed Coronian shorthair.

"Morning. Yeah, cats. Cats everywhere. That small issue aside..." The scholarly man continued with almost no explanation of the current situation at hand forthcoming, "...don't forget you have a date with Joshua Cronen in Lornius."

"Don't call it that." Shinsou retorted, scruffing a Radasanthian tomcat and relieving it of its position on his amazingly clean white greatcoat. "Are we going by portal? I'd love to stay and help sort this cat thing out but, actually, I'd rather have type two diabetes, you know."

"Oh, sure thing. How else were you expecting to get to Lornius in an hour from Corone?" Ariud raised an eyebrow.

"I dunno. Liquid time?" Shinsou jested, referencing pages from Arius's studies about the physics of the time space continuum. He grimaced as a Etherian scrufflekitty tried to claw its way up the new silk curtains.

"Oh shut up." With a snap of his fingers, Arius opened a portal that tore the room a new arsehole. Thirteen small felines tried to swat at the thin blue membrane as it pulsed and rippled, but to their astonishment they were sucked in, lost their footing and fell into the ether in which existed only a plethora of interdimensional gateways leading to other worlds made entirely of ham.