Meet in an inn then go on a quest! Josh thought to himself. It's brilliant! Why hasn't anyone ever done this before? He reclined on a sofa of slow-melting butter as the world rotated beneath them. Storm, seeming overly excited at the mention of a quest, exited the building in the most destructive manner possible. Josh would have taken this as a personal challenge, but he was feeling pretty relaxed. Like, really REALLY relaxed, to the maximum effect. Slowly the molecules of his body became pure water and he melted away into a puddle which evaporated and ascended the heavens. He could hear the ocean goddess Am’aleh calling his name, a siren song that was as gorgeous to listen to as it was beautiful.

Like an eagle above the clouds or a dolphin beneath the seas, he soared. Like a pot of water or a good egg he boiled. Like a shooting star or a sparking flame he flew. Time and time again, metaphor after simile, continent after continent, he witnessed all that was or ever could be. He saw the wastes of the Tular Plains, the jungles of Dheathain, the red forest of Raieara, and the Frankish Ligers of Alerar. Some of the things he saw might not have been canon, but the guy is tripping balls, give him a break. Er.

Breaker rematerialised into human form by the blessing of Am’aleh outside The Russet Apple, standing next to Storm. He looked on with all the other looky loos and said things such as “what’s all the commotion?” and “well I never!” as if on a fixed timer and loop. After a few cycles he decided he preferred being a main character and snapped the fuck out of it.

“Good people!” He called, spreading his hands majestically and handsomely. “My friend is a powerful wizard of the highest order. What you have witnessed is an arcane experiment that will change the face of magic on Althanas as we know it. Also, he will pay for all damages.” That seemed to settle down the rowdiest of the bunch. A few hopeful-eyed adventurers remained, looking on as they wondered whether there was any room in the questing party.

There wasn’t.